And just HOW do we get JOY back into our lives?
1- Do you believe you’ll ever attain happiness?
2- Do you believe your depression will ever go away for good?
First, insane fire in CA burning everything
Now, there’s a SNOWSTORM- in FLORIDA of all places
What’s next- fireball in the sky?
Probably, if we get into WWIII- OR we destroy our planet by all the pollution/greenhouse effect/global warming/etc
Just thought I’d post something funny and light-hearted.
Hope at least 1 person gets a chuckle out of this:
Massacre in New Orleans on NY Day- 15 killed
This comes after a woman was set on fire and burned alive in a NYC subway. Then a few days later, there was another person (man) set on fire on the NYC subway.
5 young teens (~13yo) gang beat an elderly man to death. And filmed it (gen z, ofc). Good thing these POS’s filmed their crimes (not only them but tons of other criminals), bc otherwise, police would never do anything.
One of the posters here on SP said there’s all sorts of craziness going on in Europe- well- America has […]
If you wanna feel sad, then laugh at the end of this clip, watch this:
Apparently, it’s an old ad from back in the day.
Hell, some of y’all weren’t even born yet O_o
Hearing this song for the 1st time tonight/this early morning.
Intense Anger and Hatred Against This World?
I’m sick of this sick world- and by sick- I mean the whole “normal” population are also fucked up. They are just able to keep a job- but doesn’t mean the rest of the people in the world aren’t fucked up. Hell, maybe they are MORE fucked up- so apathetic toward humans and human suffering.
Like how many ppl don’t give AF about any of the wars, dead men, women and children, don’t even flinch when hearing all the stories of sick parents who had their daughter melt into the couch, or the parent/guy who stapled the kid to the wall, […]
even bothered to text me “Merry Christmas?” Well, if you said NO ONE, you’d be right.
That’s exactly how I feel.
What’s so “wonderful” about Christmas anyway? Especially for those that don’t have loving supportive families? -_-
I’m wondering if most of us here feel like we’re failures/losers/lagging behind everyone else?
It sure is the case for me- I was on the up and up- did everything I needed to- and then…lost my confidence, reeled into depression, lost more confidence, reeled into worse depression, leading to losing more confidence, leading to a bottomless pit of depression.
I fucked up- I shouldn’t have quit back then- I haven’t been able to pick myself up since. And I had a slew of shit happen since then, which wouldn’t have happened had I not made the fateful mistake/decision.
Yes I know, none of us have […]
After decades of being screwed in life, and especially by shitty people, I now HATE 90% of all humans. Well, mainly all the people I’ve encountered and interacted with IRL.
BUT- random strangers like annoying fucking kids screaming or running wild all over the place also annoy TF out of me, and ESPECIALLY the shitty parents who don’t give AF.
I get easily annoyed by random strangers like above, or ppl yapping loudly on their phone while on the bus/train and you can’t escape it.
The whole world annoys TF out of me. I wonder what % of ppl are like me, like this? […]
I literally just got out of the psych hospital last week. And the WHOLE time I was there, I got told “but you look SO HAPPY!” by a million and one fucking morons, like psych doctors, whose literal JOB is to help those who are depressed and suicidal . Despite the fact that I told them I’m depressed AF and tried to get to the roof to jump off. Aaaand NO ONE fucking believed me. Cuz “I look SO happy.”
Yes, fellow SPers, you’ve all read my posts the past year. You all know just how fucking “HAPPY” I am. -_-
These […]
for OTHERS. But not for any of us here on SP. Nope, we are the “lucky” bunch to be afflicted with severe depression. Aren’t we so “lucky?”
I’m sitting here watching “Bizarre Deaths #9.” Add that to the list of murder/death/true crime/morbid shows I watch.
Idk why I like watching that kind of stuff, but I apparently do. Am I a sick puppy? Sometimes it feels like it.
Anyone else into morbid shows/activities? What’s the most morbid thing you’ve watched or done?
-Some ppl do not post- which is fine- I lurk at many other sites- but SP feels so dead- feels like so few ppl post or comment. I would really love for ppl to comment more.
-Also, when ppl do post, sometimes it’s so long it’s hard to follow or read it all or understand the BIG picture (I’m guilty of that too). It seems ppl only read/understand from post to post and not the MAIN issue someone has.
In a few sentences, what is your main issue?
Why are you depressed?
Snow in Saudi Arabia?
Flooding in Sahara Desert?
What’s next? The Earth will be on Fire?
Oh wait…that’s already happening. Much of the USA (like CA) is on fire every year.
Seems like we’re going to destroy ourselves pretty soon- WWIII bc everyone in charge are idiots.
I absolutely lament that I was ever fucking born. This is a shit world.
To be happy means you have good things in your life and have things you believe in.
But- What do you do when you don’t believe in anything anymore? When everything told to us since birth has been all LIES?
From as early as childhood- I was taught about the Food Pyramid (now debunked as wrong) and told that is what we must eat to be healthy, that cereal was the best food in the morning (now debunked bc it’s full of sugar and wheat which causes massive health problems), that the Native Americans and the colonists were basically singing kumbaya, sharing Thanksgiving meals […]