I feel like a lost little sheep… -_-
that a happy and fulfilling life was so damn hard to achieve?
If you could have a superpower (ex flying, rewinding time, mind control, invisibility, happiness, etc) but it only lasts 5s (and there’s a refresh period where you can’t use the 5s power again, for say 5 or 10min), what 5s superpower would you want and what would u do with it? (basically you can’t just keep stacking the 5s + 5s without a break).
(OTHER than unaliving yourself) – what would it be?
After months of torturous months of high summer heat and humidity, it’s supposed to be “Fall” now. Even at the “perfect” temperature of 72 degrees (perfect in EVERY other place than here)- it was still 72%+ humidity. Even now at midnight, the humidity is at 66%. This is pretty “low” considering how disgusting the last 5mo has been, but it’s STILL disgusting. UGH.
I literally walk out or anywhere for more than 10s and I start to drip sweat and then have to shower. Sometimes I shower multiple times a day. It gets ridiculous.
So much for the […]
According to Gallup:
-47% of Americans were “very” satisfied with their personal lives in February 2024
-78% of Americans were ‘very’ or ‘somewhat satisfied’ (though I would argue that low level depression can exist with ppl who say they are ‘somewhat satisfied’ with their lives. i don’t considered ‘somewhat satisfied’ to mean ‘happy’ or ‘happy enough.’)
47% = very satisfied
31% = somewhat satisfied
22% = unhappy / very unhappy
At least this study, and studies SINCE covid, actually acknowledge that half the population aren’t all that happy. For all of my life, EVERY fucking study out there kept parroting how ‘95%’ […]
What lessons have you learned in life?
I feel like 95% of us here are gonna stay chronically depressed. Sure, many may not *BE* on SP in the future, but that doesn’t mean they are “cured” of their depression. Hell, some of us who stop posting have “disappeared” from this mortal coil.
Yes, statistically, it makes sense there could be a few I gander will get rid of their depression forever, but until I SEE it happen, I just don’t believe the majority of us will. I’ve spoken to many ppl in their 60s, 70s, and 80s in other depression groups- they’ve all told me they had depression […]
What the difference between a chronically depressed/suicidal person and one who is not?
I know of so many arrogant egocentric selfish people- these ppl tend to be the happiest ppl- they love themselves way too much, think too much of themselves, and are selfish to the core. These ppl don’t question their existence, or their skills- or the lack thereof- they think so highly of themselves when they have no reason to. Hell, it’s usually the dumbest ppl with the lowest amount of skill that think they’re the best/smartest ppl. Or the most assholish greedy selfish ppl who think they are […]
So get this- this 17yo has only passed THREE classes in the THREE years of HS. Late or absent 272d. His GPA is 0.13. Yes, 0.13. AND get this- he’s ranked 62/120, meaning there are 58 kids who have grades WORSE than him, meaning he’s in the TOP HALF of his grade. Like…what?
I’m surprised Americans know how to tie their shoelaces at this point.
And no, this isn’t “just Baltimore.”
“The National Center for Education Statistics doesn’t rank the states, but Education Week assigns each state a grade from A to F based on several factors. No state has achieved an A, […]
It took 4d for someone to finally notice and call the police.
You’d think at least the cleaners who come at night would notice…
If any of you think your life matters to your boss/coworkers, think again.
Well, I guess they “care” when work ain’t being done.
af to suddenly chilly? Where the fuck is the nice in between weather??
This whole summer it has been disgusting- like 80% humidity disgusting. Finally summer is over but it went from tank top and shorts to chilly jacket weather. Like WTF. Whatever happened to like, you know, the FOUR f*ing seasons? It’s all nonstop crap weather here- goes from hot and humid af summer to “winter.” and in between it just rains and rains and rains. UGH.
I hate kids.
I hate screaming crying kids.
I hate babies.
I hate screaming crying babies.
Most of all, I hate SHIT PARENTS.
What’s worse than a screaming crying kid or baby? A BUNCH of them all screaming and crying the whole frigging time you’re out trying to eat in peace. NO peace to be had with these ill behaved brats.
But but kids are great/amazing/blah blah blah.
NO they’re not- they are little devils. And the parents that let their kids be rude/unruly/screaming for HOURS- like at restaurants, movie theaters, airplanes- you’re selfish POS’s.
And oh yeah, did I mention one of them was […]
SO I was responding to @rainwatch’s post but they wouldn’t post my comment- idk why- it wouldn’t even go to moderation!! So WTF. Since it won’t post, I am posting it here:
“”Mentally Ill” is a term the medical industrial complex gives ppl so they can legally put us on drugs for life and profit off of us. Just bc someone is depressed, it does not make them “mentally ill.” I mean, if you’re hallucinating and seeing people/objects/physical things that aren’t there, then yes that is mentally ill.
But having depression or suicidal thoughts is not “mentally ill.”
-If someone is depressed bc […]
When you point out the ills of society to ppl- of the greed of the elites that keep the rest of us in poverty, the corruption of our politicians/corporations/medical industrial complex/the war machine that bankrupts the country to line the pockets of the uber wealthy, of the ineptitude of police to help but yet the ability to constantly screw ppl over, how the poor just gets poorer, how the sick just get sicker, how the rich just get rich- off of the backs of the masses that actually do the work ofc!
Corruption. Injustice. Unfairness. Poverty.
Or of just how the average selfish assholes ALWAYS […]
Heh, I never realized Saturday was spelled with “turd” in the middle.
I’m talking permanently, not ppl who experience sadness/depression and okayness/happiness in cycles, even if the cycle lasts years. I mean does anyone with severe depression ever really FULLY shake it off?
Even if there are, I don’t think there’s many that escape. I would gather maybe 10% fully escape/overcame their depression, the majority prolly like 70% are just “managing”/feeling okayish/stable, and the other 20% stay severely depressed for life.
Imagine if we all had that ONE person in our lives? Can change that person forever. Sadly, I didn’t have that one person :'(