I was at the train station. There was a junky going around putting the bite on ppl to use their phone. I couldn’t listen to this shit first thing on a Monday morning. The junky approached me ” Can I use your phone to ring my poor dying mother?” Said the junky. Who the fuck would buy a story like that, or even be able to listen to this shit in the first place. ” Nah…. man” I said. ” I’ll ask soneone else” said the junky in a deflated manner. ” You do that” I said. I would rather be judged by twelve than carried by six – said someone once, I could never disagree with that sentiment. He moved on to a soft touch. To my horror the soft touch handed over his phone, the junky called the ‘poor dying mother’ with these words ” Im at the train station, hurry up, Im really sick, of course I have the money”. It takes all sorts I guess.
reminds me of the time I got put up in a hotel with a guy who got fired on the overnight, and I made the mistake of letting him use my phone. I didn’t sleep the whole day, because the bastard wouldn’t move on. Of course, turns out it was a scum job anyway, and I should have taken the hint to bail then.
and now I don’t hand my phone to anyone I haven’t known at least a year.
Same as heartless. All it takes is being nice ONCE and having someone take advantage of that niceness only to NEVER fucking be stupid/nice ever again.
I let a guy use my phone to make a call once, thought he needed to make a quick urgent call so I handed him the phone. OMG I will NEVER do that again. That asshole used my phone to make a call, and proceed to CHAT for like 40+ min. Fucking unbelievable. That’s what I get for being nice eh? NEVER. FUCKING. AGAIN. And especially to someone who “looks” like him.