Am I the only one on here thinking of things that are so beyond me that I have no business to think about them? Maybe, after all, it is just a thought experiment of insanity. As a species, what is the purpose of humanity?
For religion, it would be to reproduce… Well, in the grand scheme of things, it’s mission accomplished. Over-population will no doubt be the death of humanity if disease x or nuclear war doesn’t do it first.
For science, it is to advance mankind. Notice the keyword there is mankind. The planet we call home and the animals we rule over are screwed. In the case of technology, Skynet, Matrix or Planet of the Apes caused by humanity’s hubris will be the end.
For me, as a nihilist, our purpose is just to be the butt end of one big cosmic joke! That everything we do and live for is just a bunch of selfish, individualistic hubris! For the people on here outside of the religious who have their hypothetical “heavens” to go to, what is the point in our suffering!? To be remembered!? Will being remembered make up for the fact I have a screwed-up brain that constantly thinks nothingness will be better than this something!? No, it won’t… I hate this world of winners and losers. If I could wish it different, I would but I can’t because no one can change human nature… Isn’t that one of the saddest things of all when one of its own sons concludes that the best cure for humanity is a collective bullet to the head?
It is a question that I struggled with for a long time. Especially in high school. Religion, societal norms, etc. never gave me a satisfying answer. The answer I came to is that it means wahatever you want it to mean. If on a cosmic scale nothing we do matters, then everything we choose to believe in matters. That’s why I can see someone justify suicide and another can justify living. It’s whatever they choose to go with.
Humans have no more greater purpose than a chimp or an ape. Just bc we THINK we are so much better than every other species, doesn’t mean we are any better or any more important or have some kind of fucking “higher power.” We don’t. Our parents breed, we’re spawned, we have to fight for survival, we spawn, we die, our children and their children repeat this shit for eons. Until our species goes extinct, just like every other species. End of story.
I’m agnostic, so I’m somewhat open to the idea of humanity having a purpose. I don’t think it definitely does, but it could.
Trying to make the human experience less miserable is the only meaningful purpose I can think of. That and creating, whether it’s art or literature, buildings or poems. That seems to give people meaning. If you can manage a two fer- make the world a less miserable place by creating something, that’s the gold bar.
Bravo Heartless