Sugar makes happy (well briefly at least, before the crash). Gives me a high. Helps me be more productive by giving me energy. I can get more things done if I consume sugar. BUT ofc, it fucks up your health bc sugar is unhealthy af. But what should I do? I’m depressed af and tired af and get nothing done all day every day (due to health issues and depression). But consuming sugar is literally the same metabolic and chemical process as taking cocaine. It’s not healthy to consume sugar. But it’s the only thing that makes me feel “happy” and good and energized.
I already have health issues and have never over-indulged in sugar, and physically I can’t take the damage sugar gives. BUT- what kind of life do I have if I’m depressed and tired 24/7?
I got myself a $1 Sweet Tea (half sweet half unsweetened) from McDonalds and it’s unhealthy af but I’m actually feeling “OK” (or as ok as I can be) and not super depressed like I usually am. Ofc it wears off in idk an hour or two or three, then i’m back to depressed, and the sugars harm my body bc sugar is bad/toxic.
OR I suppose I could give up carbs but keep the immediate sugar hits like sweet iced tea. (just so you know, i’m not someone who consumes a crapton of junk food or sugar or soda or anything like that, BUT bc i’m already sick, what bad ingredients I consume affects me more than the avg person).
IDK- maybe I should just use sugar to give me energy to get things done and “improve” my life- although it harms my body in the process. IDK how else to give myself energy. Ever since I got sick, I lack energy. Fatigue is the hallmark of chronic illness (EVERY chronically ill person i know has fatigue, so it’s not just a me thing).
SO- do I opt for the devil drug that in the long run harms me, or do I not take it but stay fucking depressed? Literally the ONLY thing to give me the “happy” feeling is sugar (and only certain forms of sugar- sugar in cakes and stuff doesn’t do it for me). The sugar has to be in liquid form like sweet tea/juice or in the form of fruits. And very specific fruits or drinks. Most overly-sugary popular drinks don’t work. Sugar in other forms (cakes, carbs, etc) doesn’t give me that “happy” “high” feeling either. I guess it’s pure glucose that works vs fake sugars or complex sugars that don’t work.
Does anyone else have this “happy” feeling and “energizing” sugar rush? or is it just me?
It only lasts like an hour or two but for that brief moment I don’t feel like wanting to kill myself…
3 hrs- that’s how long the “good feeling” lasted from the Large 30oz Sweet tea laced with Sugar (drank ~25oz of it)…and now i’m back to tired and depressed -_-
How is sugar unhealthy?
you really think sugar is healthy?
I don’t know I’ve consumed sugar since childhood like everyone in my surrounding, in tea, in milk and as sweets. Only thing I know is it can cause diabetes.
A; your body needs some sugar to stay alive. Maybe it gets it from complex sugar, carbs or simple sugar. Simple sugar gets a bad rap, but it’s mostly because Americans binge on the stuff.
B: You’re asking me for diet advice? Eat less, try and figure out how little you can eat. That’s my thing. I vary between hating food and tolerating it. Sugar is no different. I have one of my all time favorite things sitting next to me right now, a sticky bun with pecans, I’ll eat it eventually, when I can convince my stomach.
But I’ve been trying and succeeding at stopping eating, or eating stuff that doesn’t add to my waistline. Zero sugar energy drinks are a major component, and staying away from dairy, though I do love my dairy. But I sit all day every day, and I want my pants to fit, not just that, I want them to fit better tomorrow than today and it’s not like my metabolism is going to get better on it’s own.
I eat a lot of almonds and peanuts, high protein is a good strategy against weight gain, and for positive mood. Plus I have some powdered protein and vitimins I can add to water to help me along.
I don’t actually recommend staying away from anything. I eat candy, cake, whatever, it’s just I try to stay full on other stuff. I’ve lost 30 pounds so far this year, those results are worth it to me. And I feel better.
well yes, we need a little bit of sugar but we Americans consume WAY to much sugar, and everything has too much sugar. unless we make our own food, which ain’t happening. even bread has tons of sugar. like the sugar i consume isn’t generally in desserts like cakes, candy, ice cream or soda. the sugar i consume comes from breads, pastas, rice, etc. stuff that doesn’t seem like obvious junk food but they are. did you know, in EU, American bread is classified as “cake” bc our breads have so much sugar in them. Like Subways cannot call their bread ‘bread’ in EU.