Fortunate enough to have PTO to cover me this week.
I was able to find a therapist. Finally got an appointment for the first time in years tomorrow, we’ll see how it goes.
Looked for computer parts to upgrade my setup, found nothing. But I felt better going outside and looking for computer parts instead of staring at a computer screen for 8 hours at work.
Broke my 2 month long sober streak, drinking all now.
Feeling a bit dissapointed atm. Not sure of the person I’ve become unfortunately. Things are better in some aspects, worse in others.
I just need to get my head on straight and push forward solo. Get myself going on my own for once in my life…
I hope I can get it together soon.
1 comment
I can’t imagine getting computer parts from a brick and mortar store, that is unless it’s something really generic like cables, fans or memory. Though, I don’t know what you are trying to upgrade in your setup. I’m rounding two years on this last upgrade, and I’m really feeling fine about it; last gen AMD on an Asus board air cooled with AMD graphics.
I keep fighting the desire to get another graphics card and more monitors, easier now that I’m dead broke. My setup tends to proliferate like that. It was going to get a full stereo upgrade unavoidably too, with a subwoofer, but that’ll never happen either.
I have nothing to complain about, I have top quality Swedish audio, and an electric Kazoo. I miss working, but that’s just life.
I’m sorry about the drinking, I can hardly drink anymore myself, it hurts my stomach. But then my alternative hasn’t been great for me, smoking THC apparently makes me too much of a risk to employ by a number of reputable employers…… and I have to ask myself what do they offer that sounds so great? A few dollars, a dead end, and it would take awhile for me to flush my system.
Worse, if I did flush my system there’s a reasonable chance I’d have to go back on lithium…… which supposedly no one wants to happen. It’s a cache 22, damned if you do, damned if you don’t.