Anyone familiar with the Island of Misfit Toys? I’ve always felt like one. The anti-social ones have always been treated as the weird/odd ones.
But maybe it’s the rest of the world that’s crazy- humming along like a machine run on slave/peasant/min wage labor. Maybe the rest of us just can’t seem to “fit in” amongst all the cogs in the wheel bc we don’t want to be cogs.
Maybe some of us have taken the red pill and can’t unsee the shit that’s our lives and our prospects as just another cog in the wheel, as a chronically poor or “just barely making it” kind of life.
Maybe life seems bleak bc it is.
How many of us will luck out and actually get:
1- a job that doesn’t suck our soul and pays well?
2- find a SO/part.ner that is our match or soul mate?
Hell, if we don’t have 1 and 2, how are we going to have 3- Happiness?
1 comment
No one wants to play with a Charlie in the box, yeah I remember that special. I love all the Rankin Bass specials. I think there was a train with square wheels too. Now if that’s not a metaphor for depression.
It makes me think of back when they used to have actual treatment facilities for long term care, before Reagan shut most of them down. The original idea of asylums as a place of rest was better in my opinion, but they screwed it up by combining them with elderly care, THEN said “Oh look how awful, we can’t have that!”
that’s just me on my soapbox about how Reagan screwed up mental health. Community health just means we spread around the sick people, doesn’t mean they get better treatment.
I’d just like for us to get some dignity and respect….. we haven’t gotten that in so long we think that a job or a relationship will fix it.