the hopelessness of being myself is inescapable
i tried to live but i was unable
all the reasons why are always unknown
death is my palace and hate is my throne
immortal thoughts of oneness discredited as lies
causing my mind interconnected to die
all wishes will be granted for those who wait
love and peace are only real when you contemplate
the world without the world within
the world without the world within
subjectivity and tainted skin
kingdoms of war
huts of peace
silence yourself and learn defeat
master defeat and move on to the next battle you’ll lose
i dont deserve a breath of air
every second i’m alive is a waste.
all losses erased
from the ashes of flesh will I rise
mortal body of filth my temporary guise
kill me
this world is fucking bullshit and i want to die. i hate myself more than i hate the world and the world is shit! what does that make Me?