I’m not really sure what made me register for this website. it’s just something inside of me made me think that finally I have found people that might understand. I feel ugly fat worthless. I feel like if I die nobody would notice. I started cutting about febuary. I stopped for about a month. then I started again. I want to just take a knife and slit me throat. I want to die. it’s just that noone cares. some people say they do but then they act like I am just… I don’t know. just a peice of trash. they don’t really care. I want someone to ask me what happened to my wrists. but they don’t. some people at school know. or they have at least seen the cuts. bit noone has asked me what happened. noone has offered to help. I just don’t know if I can do this anymore.
You can talk to me 🙂 my email is devinbelver@yahoo.com I’ll listen to you
ASK for help. Don’t wait for people to jump in and save you.
Hello by the way, and I’m sorry things are so difficult. It’s a nice community to be part of here.. :]
Coming here was a good idea. There are so many people who can relate to you but none of us are the same in everyway so you get a lot of advice and support. I feel like I’m the only one who is ugly, fat and worthless all the time, like everyone hates me and just acting as if they care. When they say they are there for you but arent it gives you hope and then knocks you furthur down. Just know there are people on this site that care and I’m sure lots of people in your life that care but just dont know how to react to seeing cuts.. I’ve had close friends see mine and make jokes because they didnt know how to react. Doesnt mean they don’t care, love.
I know it doesn’t mean they don’t care but it seams like it sometimes.