My bestfriend told me today that he was close to killing himself but instead cut himself. I feel like I’m somehow responsible for it because I too cut. I feel like I almost kind of planted that idea in his head that it is an option because I told him about my cutting. But it makes me feel invisible, like after all I;ve told him about NOT starting and ot never do it because it’s addicting and he does. I want to tell him cutting isn’t good or the right answer, but thats so hypocritical! Like telling someone don;t cut, but it’s okay for me too. Any ideas on how to convince him not to cut anymore? It’s hard for me to come up with solutions, I’m a little pro-self harm in the head : /
I doubt it was your fault that he started. If someone is in a position where they need emotional release doing painful things just comes naturally. You’re only a hypocrite if you think that cutting is a good thing for you and a bad thing for him, if you think it’s a bad thing for you aswell maybe you both can stop together. Like make a promise that you’ll stop if he stops.
well just goes to show you when he does it you think it’s a bad idea HELLO! it is! both of you stop it.