everyday its getting worse. ic an’t even try to be that happy,laughable girl i was years ago,because i am not anymore im letting my self fall into this deep hole and im really scare. i keep on having ideas, dreams, thoughts about it it wont go away no matter what i try, i use to love to dance last year that go tme not deppressed but this year i feel like i have to prove my self, try harder all of my “friends” from last year moved up and left me:'(
the only reasons im not doing it
1. im hoping that it gets better but i know it won’t
2. im trying to be strong prove people wrong
3. ill fail my family they all have high exceptions of me adn i know that i can’t do it
4. i can’t do it everytime i try someone or someones stopping me (not literally of course its like im being watch its treall weird)
5. i cant if i do ill ruin my families name
but i want to soo muchh itll make the pain go away forever……
I know how you feel.. and trust me I’m sure hearing somebody say that means nothing..
But I live with everything you described every second of my life.. And you arent alone..
I have the same problem ‘oemh’.U r nt alone.