So Im kind of tired of talking to girls and then them saying how much they like me and stuff and then them saying well Im talking to someone else. Im a girl, I like girls. I wish I was straight though because all these girls don’t know what they want or get jealous of my best friend who is a gay guy. It’s just aggravating, I guess. Am I doing something wrong?
no… guys and girls equally suck. I’m bi and every guy and girl has fucked me over. sorry 🙁
I guess were looking in the wrong places. But Im sure it’ll be okay, just annoyed
sorry about the pessimism hahah like you i’m not having a whole lot of luck
yeah well its that human beings no matter which sex are very complicated… and for all i know relationships of same genre are even more complicated. i really dont know what to say, i know for example i have a beautiful friend, beautiful in every aspect of her, and she cant find a companion for her life… i can never understand that.