your my brother, I want to see you. I want to hear your voice. I want to hug you, I want know you better. I can’t take only being able to read words. I want to be by your side. I want to go to school, and then come home and tell you all about my day. I want you to tell me you enjoy my company. I want to have silly fights over meaningless things. I want to be with you. I want to run away, I want to run to you, you could adopt me, legally make me your sister. Maybe, just maybe. but this is wishful thinking. I’ll never have the money. I’ll never have the guts. I’ll just mope around like I normally do, in america…
But I still just want to hold your hand and hug you, I want you to hold me when I’m hurt, be there, I want so very bad to be your sister in the flesh, but I’m afraid I’m limited to virtuality. I just want us to be together, and trust me one day we will be, I wonjt fucking stop. I may be only thirteen, but i’m mature enough, someday we will sit in our own place, we would of had many memories by then, we would have finally become truly happy. Brother I’m going to see you… I won’t give up.
🙂 xxxxxxxxxx
it’s true…
i know 5 more years