So I tried the helium hood kit today. I purchased the flow control kit and pressure guage from exit and bought the balloon time tank of the recommended size, checked the pressure to see if it was full, made the exit bag as per the peaceful pill books instructions and guess what?… IT DIDN’T WORK!!!! I was sitting there like an idiot with the bag around my head for about 5-10 minutes and I didn’t loose consciousness! I felt a slight tingling in my toes and my voice got extremely high but that’s about it. What a waste of time and money! I spent about $150 for the flow control kit and another $100 for the tank! Not to mention all the anticipation leading up to it and the disappointment there after! From here on, I’m going to stick to more traditional methods!
I had a similar experience. Did not lose consciousness, tingling in hands and feet, shortness of breath and a buildup of CO2 in the bag that caused immediate panic reaction, as if drowning or being choked. Very unpleasant and not at all effective.
I should stress that I am not some tool that didn’t prepare properly. I have an engineering degree, I took several precautions, made tests and measurements and spent quite a lot of money on putting together a rig that met every specification listed in the literature, but in the end it didn’t work.
The reason it doesn’t work is because contrary to what you believe, the gas you bought was not pure helium. It was helium that has been infused with oxygen (Baloon Time does this).
If it was pure helium and all was done properly, you would not be writing this post… believe that !
Or, the fact that you have written this post could mean that you have not tried thus method at all… because you are one of these moralistic pro-life pricks that feel they have moral licence to try and scare people out of making their own self-determinations.
Hey same here! I’m an engineer too. I prepared for a long time, did everything by the book and double checked everything! Plus I even got the flow control kit from exit! So I guess this method clearly doesn’t work! I feel like crap right now! All that time and effort! What a waste!
First of all the balloon time helium only cost about 30-40 dollars not 100.00.
Fake people.. It works
Look up my post. My detergant suicide. = H2S
Yeah, in the US. In my country where VAT is significantly higher and income / corporate taxes are through the roof, I paid about $80 for each tank, so I wouldn’t find it too unreasonable to believe that LostOlHope could have bought a kit for $100.
I’m thinking about trying again soon, and this time I will do something much simpler and with a 100% guaranteed success rate. I will apply a topical local anesthetic to my wrist, draw a warm bath and apply a medical scalpel to make a lengthwise incision into my radial artery, and leave it in the warm water to prevent coagulation. According to my research this method takes between 10 to 15 minutes, you lose consciousness before most of the unpleasant symptoms of acute blood loss set in, and the only real pain associated with it comes from making the cut. I’ll be trying to get my hands on a real anesthetic that can numb the area completely, but failing that…
The scalpel is $10 for a box of 10 at any online medical supply store, and topical anesthetic is about $10-12 at your local pharmacy and available over the counter.
Doesn’t get much simpler or more effective than that.
Unfortunately it does work my nephew took it like this way
My nephew unfortunately was successful with this method..of course he laid 4 days before he was found…leaving us utterly devastated and heartbroken …please choose help. I know how hopeless life can feel..but there is help and you are alive so I believe God spared you
4 days without anyone checking on him? You guys must have really cared…
I know really ..
My nephew died by the bag…unfortunately he was successful…please live…please
This is where I got it from
And if you follow the link it will show you the price to be $113. Please don’t call people fake without knowing all the facts.
That sounds like a good failsafe method! I tried doing it once but it was without anesthetics. Hurt like a b*! So yeah, the anasthetic is a must! However, if you do manage to do it, it should be pretty quick! Hope you find all the stuff you need!
I’m sorry to hear about your nephew! But I can assure you, if he was anything like me, death is a mercy and God was only being kind! I wish He would be just as kind and merciful to me!
Wow: another idiot who took his hood off, then claimed “it didn’t work.”
If you can “sit there” for 10 minutes with a plastic bag sealed with elastic around your neck then you should log off right this minute and call Ripley’s Believe it or Not.
I am certain there are “pro-lifers” on this board deliberately posting misinformation on peaceful and effective suicide methods in order to terrorize people into living the miserable lives from which they are desperately trying to escape. (The threat of God’s eternal damnation obviously isn’t effective enough.) The pro-euthanasia movement developed and promotes the inert gas hypoxia methods precisely because they are effective, easily available, peaceful, and especially difficult to detect in an autopsy. Still, at least here in the US, they offer “guides” to help monitor the process and ensure success. This, unfortunately, has gotten them into trouble (, particularly regarding restraining hands to prevent any reflexive, instinctive removal of the hood in the process.
Helium, “Balloon Time” helium in particular, is still easily available for cheap here in the US, and is not “denatured” with oxygen as far as I know. Still, the push to use ******** has its merits, even though it takes a bit more effort and cash to get. Dr. Nitschke’s other “business” supplying Australian home beer brewers with ******** still makes me chuckle, albeit uncomfortably. (
When you breathe in PURE helium (as in – NO oxygen), you do not breathe out CO2…I don’t doubt that you had a reaction to CO2 exposure…but that shows that you were breathing in oxygen….not pure helium. Perhaps you two did not have everything correctly put together, or else you didn’t have pure helium. I know that you said you’re “not some tool who didn’t put it together incorrectly” or something and that you have an engineering degree, etc…but with that much schooling, surely you would know that CO2 would result from oxygen intake only, not from helium intake.
it’s possible that you pushed the helium out of the bag with heavy breathing. The whole concept of asphyxiation by helium being painless is based on the idea that the CO2 leaving your lungs floats down below the helium, and the helium keeps both O2 and CO2 from getting back up to the top of the bag. If you’re pushing helium out the bottom, air will come back in to fill the void. Use a garbage bag, one so big that your whole upper body fits in it. You’ll know when it’s full when the bag has expanded on its own. That will leave enough room for the helium to come down all the way below your chin, and will provide enough excess so that you don’t accidentally blow the helium out the bottom with big breaths. Then just try to breath normally and stay motionless. You should feel cooler inside the helium than in regular air.
I wish i lived in vermont….
Okay, here’s my story: About 8 months ago, I lost my partner of 9 years, our 14 acre dream ranch in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, my job and (I think) my sanity. A couple months after all this, I made an exit bag and rented a helium tank from Party Central. The night before I picked up the helium, I wrote a 3-page suicide letter, updated my will and prepared a note that I intended to tape to my front door to let my neighbors know there was a dead body inside. I was dead (no pun intended) serious about going through with it.
I flattened out the bag to push out all the oxygen, put in on my head, turned the knob and waited for the bag to fully inflate before pulling it down around my neck. It was at that point I actually happened to catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror….
I swear to God, it was the dorkiest-looking damned thing I’d ever seen! I don’t know if it was just the irony of it all or whether I was having (another) nervous breakdown but, for some reason, this just struck me as really funny and I started to laugh…and laugh…and laugh. I laughed so hard I cried and my stomach hurt. This probably went on for a good 10 minutes – It was just f’ing surreal.
The REALLY trippy part is that, after I finally stopped laughing, it hit me that “Holy shit, I actually feel BETTER and I don’t think I die right now”. I haven’t been able to bring myself to throw the exit bag away just yet and there are definitely some days when the thought still crosses my mind but, for the most part, I really think I want to live now.
My point is this: I understand. I know the darkness, I know how it seems like the only way out and I know that it might feel like you don’t have a choice. Believe me, I get it. Having recently been through it myself, however, I also know that you really CAN feel better. You won’t always feel the way you do right now. Please remember that before you do something that can’t ever be undone.
God bless.
DKB, please, where did you get your exit bag??!!
“Believe me, I get it. Having recently been through it myself, however, I also know that you really CAN feel better. You won’t always feel the way you do right now. Please remember that before you do something that can’t ever be undone. God bless.”
You’re so fucking stupid and your story sounds really made up. People don’t commit suicide because they just ‘feel bad’ and the MAGICAL CURE is to just ‘laugh at yourself.’
You fucking dummy, people have very dire serious problems. Some have mental and physical issues that can never be cured. Others lived terrible lives that will likely never get better. I’ve been largely living in poverty for 40 years of my life. I got a good degree, jumped through all the fucking hoops I had to, applied for a ton of jobs and I am still stuck doing mediocre work.
There were points in my life where suicide would’ve been very easy a decision to make, only that I didn’t have the right methods or money to pull it off. Now I’m around because things are better and some people in my life need me otherwise there’s little to live for.
I get really peeved at infantile thinking like yours which reduces suicide to a silly decision when someone wasn’t in the right mindset and the solution is equally idiotic. It’s like saying you can cure appendicitis by walking more. But the ‘God Bless’ gave your agenda away. Don’t worry, Christianity is becoming a laughingstock and Christians are being seen for the know-nothing retards that they are. Fortunately people like you hold very little sway with those who at least have some intelligence.
Yea. Dont think we have any say in telling people what is true or not. He wasnt offending anyone (unless they wanted to be offended) and to be honest i relate to this story.
I get the whole “unnecessary laughter”
What i dont get i for someone who claims to be sad and depressed…. how angry and unempathetic they can be towards people strong enough to share their experiences .
“My nephew unfortunately was successful with this method..of course he laid 4 days before he was found…leaving us utterly devastated and heartbroken …please choose help. I know how hopeless life can feel..but there is help and you are alive so I believe God spared you”
Please shove your god up your ass and not down our throats. Your nephew did not value his life so he did what was right for him and it’s none of your business if he ended his own life. He has no obligation to live for you and to prevent your heart from being broken. So don’t come here spreading your guilt-trips on others, it won’t work.
Everyone eventually will die, it is a part of life-accept it, grieve for those you lost and move on. But don’t get all preachy and stop others from ending their own terrible existence just because someone near to you died. I lost someone near and dear to me a year ago-I got over it, that’s life, move on and keep your cult beliefs to yourself.
Why are we getting so hostile? I think we should just all be nice because that is honestly not the fucking way to handle anything. The last thing you would fucking want is someone to kill themselves because of you. Just calm down. No need for bullshit.
Why don’t you read my posts to see why I became hostile instead of making ludicrous assumptions?
Why dont you just not be hostile… or blame others for your inability to be calm…
Yes, that was slightly mean. But im honest. Definitely not hostile 🙂
You know youd have to be pretty similar in some ways if were all on the same page here… no pun intended 🙂
Now back to the subject at hand, to the people who already tried this, chances are your helium tank was mixed with 20% oxygen (same amount as in normal air), which is why you didn’t pass out. Or the method you used allowed oxygen to get into the bag.
The best way to check (I’m guessing) is to take some helium in a small plastic bag and light a match. If it goes out quickly it’s probably pure helium…if it keeps burning or burns brighter then they mixed oxygen.
Luckily for me, here in Canada, Walmart sells these tanks for only around $20. I’m thinking I’m going to get one and test it. The maker of the product state it is pure helium…but I’ve been reading that lately (as mentioned above), they’re starting to mix in oxygen for obvious reasons.
Those are just rumors I’ve read…but won’t know tell I test it. Wish I knew of other ways of confirming if the gas inside is pure helium or not.
Really? Wal-Mart sells them? I’m not looking to check-out at the moment or anything, but that is interesting to know.
Helium hoods were designed for assisted euthanasia. They have a HIGH failure rate when done alone bc of improper set up and bc the body thrashes around as you suffocate making it likely that you will dislodge something. This could cause you to wake up with brain damage. Be very careful and sure this is what you want if you choose this method.
Yes according to their website they do. I’m not planning to end it all either yet…but I’m glad they have it. Previously it was only available in the US. I’m tempted to buy one and test it out but would need to have someone there in case I black out and can’t come back.
@ fortunear
There have been plenty of cases of individuals dispatching themselves this way on their own. But I agree, it might be possible to dislodge the hood if there are involuntary body thrashes. I think tying up ones hands and feet beforehand would make sense-for those who are serious.
Hey, secondlife, I’m in Canada too! Thanks for the tip. But, I only wish that I could find the bag to go with it 🙁 This is so frustrating!
Ok – let’s first all get on the same page … hypoxia is different from suffocation … although they both involve a lack of oxygen, suffocation includes the build up of carbon dioxide – a gas that the body recognizes as a danger. Hypoxia is basically altitude sickness – Stewart Payne,golfer was famously overcome when the plane he was in lost cabin pressure and all aboard either died or were rendered unconscious (most likely died) during a flight – the plane flew on for a couple hours until it ran out of fuel and crashed.
In contrast, suffocation – while still a death from lack of oxygen – it also is due to the build up of CO2(carbon dioxide), the gas we exhale
It’s all the difference between a relatively peaceful slipping away with hypoxia and a relatively violent and terror raising in suffocation where the C)2 levels rise and set off the body’s automated self preservation response. This does NOT happen when one suffers hypoxia
This is the reason hypoxia through inert gas is preferable because CO2 never builds up and thus the body alarm is never raised so there is no “thrashing”/fighting for preservation … but as secondlife correctly asserts the body still may move involuntarily but randomly and loosen or dislodge the hood.
When this method fails, it is usually because of incorrect application, not because the method don’t work – there are way too many examples of success but almost all of them include calm and careful planning … this is NOT a method for a spur of the moment, emotional and hasty attempt – failure to plan is planning to fail. but these failures don’t mean the concept don’t work, it simply means the implementer did so incorrectly
Additionally, i don’t think “tying” of hands is necessary but a system to restrict the range of motion might be in order. Also another point of failure – it really cannot effectively been done lying down helium rises and will find any small opening to escape – it’s like trying to fill a cup that is laying on its side … ain’t gonna work.
But i share secondlife’s irritation on the misinformation that gets spread around – although i’d prefer most people to make every effort to seriously consider applying their time and energy to solving the problems in their lives, i recognize that there isn’t always a solution to everything, so someone’s choice to exit is theirs and only theirs – it may suck for the living, the living have a choice on how to view and react … unless the living created an insufferable living condition for the departed, they can safely assume no fault or blame and should simply accept that the departed has attained their preferred state.
detail dawg
I bought two tanks of helium from wal mart for $20 a piece as someone stated earlier. The only thing I might have wrong is that I have brass compression T instead of plastic. I have it all set up and trying it later today besides no better day to catch the bus than Halloween! If I’m unsuccessful I will repost but before I do it I do have one question. Is the headband supposed to be tight or snug? Like I don’t want it too lose do i?
Wow, just reading this makes me want to run screaming. I hadn’t thought of this method in this way before. I had envisioned lapsing into a peaceful sleep and not waking up again. These comments just painted a very different picture. Thrashing and suffocating to death in a painful and grotesque way. Omg. Not for me. 😮
@ CT, you misread then. Only one person suggested that. In fact it is a very peaceful death, there might be some involuntary muscle movements or spasms but you’ll already be unconscious.
The thrashing only would occur if you were experiencing suffocation. But you’ll in fact be experiencing hypoxia-read again, it’s all been explained. 🙂
@ secondlife, I am a very panicky person when it comes to any invasive type of medical procedures and so many other things, so you’re right – only one person said that, but it was all that stuck in my mind once I’d read that. lol. I actually have had a change of heart over this method tho, just because I’d probably do something wrong and either end up brain dead and alive or have a terribly painful and horrifying exit. Omg… just scares me.
I did watch the youtube video’s from the link that someone posted above about how to kill a human and the method that they showed in part 5 (not sure if you’ve seen it) looked really perfect. The guy just sort of got high off of the gas, he wasn’t suffering at all and didn’t even care to save himself. He looked perfectly content, even tho he was about an instant away from death. I have to wonder if him partaking in these experiments actually killed off some of his brain cells? It most definitely could have caused some serious permanent damage the way that they were depriving his brain of oxygen that way. Seemed like a silly thing for a person who was not suicidal to experiment with imo…
Reminds me of the scene in the movie “The Life of David Gale” where the girl puts a bag on her head to commit suicide. I don’t really remember the movie and I didn’t even know of this method at that time, so I’m not sure if that was how she did it or what, but she was thrashing around and I remember thinking how terrible an exit that would be. She had her friend/fellow activist there to assist her, so if I recall correctly, he tied her up to prevent her from removing the bag and saving herself. Anyways, it was a good watch if anyone out there hasn’t seen it. I’m going to watch it again myself actually!
And then one wonders how inaccurate information starts to take root. facts, evidence and data are skipped over and fantasy narratives and scenarios are created and written down ,,, then the next reader relays the fictional story and screws up a fact here or a detail there and next thing you know the helium method is bloody butchery LOL
smh dawg
^ this.
I keep telling people to stop watching TV and movies. To stop being brainwashed, all you have to do is Choose.
I have watched people become aware of the brainwashing, and then CHOOSE to submit to it and sustain their fantastically incorrect views of the world. I think at that point, it’s fair to call them “lost,” and give up. Sucks when it’s family. Sucks even more when it’s everyone i’ve ever known IRL.
And so here i am, on this island…
Oh Clevername, Clevername. There is nothing wrong with TV and films. You might be surprised to know that more often than not, there are no happy endings (just like in the real world). However, if you grew up watching The Brady Bunch and The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, I can understand your confusion.
P.S. I’d rather watch an informative YouTube video about suicide than a film. You can’t expect to get your correct facts in movies all the time, but neither can you in a passing conversation with someone IRL. Documentaries can be decent, though.
The youtube documentary was actually interesting and informative. As for the movie that I mentioned, “The Life of David Gale”, I was not referring to it as an informative source on suicide methids, just saying that it was a good watch. Also, thinking back now, I’m just wondering what method they used in the movie. I mean, it was a movie after all. They may have just stuck a bag on her head and pretended that she suffocated to death without the use of any gas. I really don’t remember, but I doubt it was realistic. It was a gripping movie tho in my opinion.
The point wasn’t to accuse you of being misinformed by taking a work of fiction as if it were fact, but rather to emphasize that this often occurs in many other people, which is why certain things end up being viewed so negatively (cannabis is another example), rather than appreciated and accepted, and allowed to find its place in the human experience. Many things are unjustly demonized, and many people are easily mislead through such agendas. This type of practice is part of why so much of the world is so messed up.
Hi so 2day I tried the ******** method with a Russian gas mask and pure N2 no oxygen obviously it didn’t work I totally agree with the demonising Cannabis is one of the best medications I have ever had for depression for pain I even extract oils and use them.
What we need is help or death pretty simple. Personally I would rather the ******** worked but I suppose now I will have to enjoy a Spliff … On the bright side at least I’m able too, negative side cannabis is illegal well the good stuff and is short lived and expensive. Depression is definitely not a short lived experience often it’s lifelong personally I believe it’s our life if we suffer we should be able to end our suffering. I also believe after my Spliff if I had a cyanide pill I would definitely chew it (after my spliff obviously). People who want to die its your right however do some real research CO2 poisoning is bad. Convulsions possibility of brain damage. Inert gas as I have stated above sometimes isn’t as reliable as one would think (might be something to do with our individual physiology or the so called medicines the doctor gives us).
Clevername, thanks for saying that. I hadn’t taken it that way, but I appreciate you being so considerate by checking that I hadn’t taken your comment the wrong way. 🙂
I agree with you about movies and tv shows btw, they really do give people the wrong idea about many things.
Detergent suicide.
I tried the helium bag on Friday. 1st attempt….my 1st breath burned my lungs and nostrils..I panicked big time…I tried it again and only got as far as 3 breath…I totally freaked myself out…I rented a hotel room ..and was afraid I’d end up a vegetable.
My final try I got to 70 breaths and called it quits. I think you need someone to assist. It was freaky watching m6self in the mirror with a bag over my head…I worried about passing out and hitting my head etc…
Scared to live and scared to die…
Ender: I believe you are pointing out the real problem with this procedure. I have tried it 8 or 10 times with the same result of complete panic and pulling the bag off every time. I believe the problem is that the bag is simply to small and the helium flow (15 to 20 litters per minute) is to low. When the bag is to small and the helium flow is to low, what simply happens is that when you inhale you pull air (oxygen) from outside the bag into the bag. Because your inhale flow rate is higher than the helium flow rate into the bag. Thus you have a mixture of helium and oxygen entering your lungs. This causes panic. If you secure the bag tighter around your neck to try to prevent this from happening, now the the co2 has no avenue of exiting the bag when you exhale and the bag also becomes very hot inside of it. The solution, as you point out is to go to a larger bag and larger helium tank. This gives you a much larger buffer area of helium inside the bag and eliminates the possibility of sucking oxygen into the bag when you inhale.
can anyone help me with the helium tank set up? any help would be appreciated. Buying the tanks and tubing was fairly easy, however the fitting is a whole other matter. I dont want to spend the 200 on fittings and tubes from pphb so I thought I can build it myself. Its not as easy as I thought. The tank has a male thread, Im not sure the size. 1/4″ is to big and 1/8″ is to small. I cannot find anything in between. Has anyone put one together? Any advice would be appreciated. A link would be even better.
could a nasal cannula work instead of a bag?
Did anyone notice there has been nothing further from hyro3256. Perhaps his/her setup was correct? If so, may you RIP and I do hope you are in a better place!
secondlife I agree with you on the Christianity front, but Dude, a little less anger please!
hmm, I hope one tank of 450 l helium is enough. Nevertheless the kit is impossible to get.
I am 24 year old.. l have been suffering from arthritis and hyperacusis .. I just want die peace fully.. planing to use helium kit ..please let me know where should I buy the tank .. explain me the process. Iam in US..
The helium thing sounded good until I started reading some of the posts here…no one wants to be a vegetable! I once accidentally OD’d on smack when I was an idiot teenager, I knew nothing about it until I woke to find myself being resuscitated by paramedics – a great way to go. For some reason I’m also scared of trying to replicate that. I wouldn’t even know where to get it. If I could hire an assassin to take me out as I go about my business, that’d be the one.
This subject seems to have a number of inaccurate responses. I know a bit about hypoxia , as part of my pilot training included experiencing it, in a controlled situation. This involved an altitude chamber, where the air was evacuated to an equivalent of around 25,000 feet. Then you took your oxygen mask off and started to perform a simple task….writng your name and address and then subtracting 7 from 100 and continuing to do this, 7 from 93 etc. until the medics decided you’d better put your mask back on! By that time I was totally euphoric and making no sense at all, I couldn’t write and had forgotten how to subtract….all of us were much the same, giggling and enjoying the experience. Without the oxygen masks we would all have died.
Then we did explosive decompression, the altitude went up to 35,000 feet in a couple of seconds so we could experience pressure breathing.
None of this was in any way distressing, so I am convinced that hypoxia has to be an effective and even a happy way to get through the death bit.
I have also had experience in breathing balloon gas, and pure helium. Balloon gas has oxygen in it, deliberately, so that the idiots taking breaths to get squeaky voices don’t die in the process. Anything sold as “balloon gas” will have enough oxygen so that you are not going to die from breathing it.
I have worked for a firm which made hybrid microcircuits, which were encapsulated in metal cases. These were filled with helium…so that any leaks in the seal could be detected by detecting the helium that escaped. The helium came from a cryogenic source, a Dewar of liquid helium….of course, the usual horseplay took place, with liquid helium being poured onto the upholstered seats of stools, etc. and taking on the shape of whatever bum sat on it….! Also the squeaky voice thing was popular….but this was pure helium, and of you overdid it there were consequences. I took one deep breath….and the voice went squeaky…but it took several minutes of deep breathing of normal air before the organism had recovered. Not something to be repeated casually….
On the basis of my experience, I would say that anyone finding that suicide attempts using the helium method have failed, has not been breathing pure helium. As has been noted above, the difference between hypoxia and suffocation is most marked; suffocation is unpleasant and not to be recommended, as the carbon dioxide triggers a panic response and the organism struggles. Hypoxia is simply euphoric, and you drift away without realising it; at least, that is how it felt to me when I experienced it. Perhaps I should add that I have advanced prostate cancer which is now metastasising, and I’m doing some early planning….
Can someone post a link to a place where I can buy one or something that’s similar? I don’t have the patience to make one on my own from scratch. Thank you.
Unfortunately all those that was selling have been closed down. I’ve just made my first one and it took about 15 minutes, I’m going to make another to make sure nothing goes wrong with the first. I’m still getting the rest of the items needed, pipe helium etc, but all going to plan I won’t be seeing June 2015!
FYI – it would appear that a popular helium balloon kit/tank manufacturer is now using a 80/20% mixture of helium (80) to air (20) in their products due to a “reported” helium supply “shortage”. This news is disappointing but should be noted.
info dawg
*as of 2015
It seems like there one thing that cause the helium hood method failed but involves two things.
One the helium flow too low that cause:
1. The oxygen not fully escape from the hood from low helium pressure.
2.The Carbon dioxide is not fully pushed away from the hood because a low helium pressure that cause natural suffocation and panic.
However I think we should not forget where all the exes overflow air (oxygen and carbon dioxide escape from) in order the bag is not explode or blown away.
Heavier air will goes to the bottom snug area and we expect them escape from there. So if weak helium glow will not enough to push oxygen and carbon dioxide out since the helium temp to raise up because of its natural light weight. So giving a little extra of normal human need of air will do the trick. That is why most success helium case is when they don’t use flow regulator, means they let the air flow with feeling and often above normal to push any other air but inert gas inside the bag. But adjust the helium Flow is as tricky thing because you don’t want to let it to fast that might cause the hood blown away or the helium gas will run out faster. Is this make sense?
I sometime think using non-breathable respirator mask or good quality half face (mouth to nose) with hose attached mask will do the job because whatever we exhale will automatically escape from the one way ventilator to the environment space and whatever we inhale is always pure inert gas instated of carbon dioxide or recycled oxygen.
Make sense?
Maybe ******** with mask?
I’ve read that many Helium manufacturers now add oxygen for this very reason.
Frankly, I’ve never been convinced by this method; and the margin between death and brain damage is say too wide to risk.
I think people underestimate how the body fights- I was loaded with barbiturates, alcohol and Morphine and I still thrashed enough to leave long lasting marks.
Have you found any other way friend?
Yup I tried it too, with some modifications, it didn’t work. I took a large trash bag , checked there are no holes by putting it in water and checking for bubbles, put 3 helium balloons (balloons flew quickly up in the air so gussing they had some decent helium in it) in the trash bag, put it over my head, took out all the air, sealed it at my neck, popped the balloons, and waited. With 10 secs started to panick due to no oxygen, and tore apart the seal. Wasted decent very significant time in all this..Sigh…this was 3 failed attempt. earlier ones included injecting 3 vials of insulin (30/70 , 400u each) which didn’t even put a dent in my health, and jumping from height which causes me to withdraw at last moment…guess I am gonna stay here for a while…I am terminally I’ll so please don’t lecture me or anything. I just want it to be over before I become a vegetable.