Sorry, I’m new here, just trying to figure it out. Â Oh OK got it now. Â (edit). Â I’m gonna stay logged in to this site for the foreseeable future. Â It makes sense for me considering i think about suicide everyday and have attempted it twice in my 40 years. Â I feel like eventually it might be how i go but idk.
I’m with you allsosad, many a like minded individual you shall find here. We have much in common.
I hope this website aids you toward wanting to live every day rather than wanting to die. Either way you are most welcome to share our years and our laughter, if any.
Thanks Thorny Rose. I just woke up and am having my coffee now. I’m going to try and have a nice day. Going to try and do a few things. Thanks for replying. I’ll be talking to you.
Hey there, a fellow child of the 80’s…..remember those days? Playing ghost in the graveyard, kick the can, steal the flag….I long for those days again….welcome to the club.
thanks. i liked the 80’s. I remember going to a farm with my family. After I played around I went into the house and watched TV and remember watching Mr. Misters Broken Wings. Then last month I drove my parents to the rosary of the man who owned that farm and on the way home, on the radio was that song. I guess to me little coincidences in life sometimes can help.