So I have been on this site for a while and I’ve seen some people that all they need is a friend. I wish I could help all of you I wish I could do something worth while. This site made me look at things differently it made me appreciate what I had and how long I’ve had it. But I cant keep going anymore, what happened was the straw that broke the camels back I’m leaving and I don’t know if I will be coming back. The world is a cruel place and good people die because we can’t be as cruel as the world needs us to be. I guess we just can’t deal with people like everyone else can. There’s just to much to deal with and I’m only 16. Ha 16. When I was little I couldn’t wait to get older. That was a mistake. I tried to kill myself twice it didn’t work either time and I kept it in to myself . No one knew, no one expected it everyone thought i was stronger than that but they were so wrong I wasn’t good enough to stop my friend from killing herself or her guy from overdosing, I wasn’t good enough for my girlfriend who I did anything for I guess nice guys do come last.
I don’t know who you are and I probably never will but you need to know that you have someone that’s there for you, you may not notice them but they notice you and believe me there is. You are alive and that is an amazing achievement in itself. Well goodbye I guess.
– Alejandro L.
When we get to that point when we want to end it. When hope is lost. Try humbling yourself and getting down on your knees and let God hear your cry, your pain, your burdens. What have you got to lose to try this when you are ready to give it all up anyways. Believe me God is real and knows us better than we know ourselves. He hears us if we only believe. I have learned that we just need to seek him and trust him each and every day. One day at a time. One hour at a time. One moment at time. You do ha ve choices. Once you end it choices are gone.
“The world is a cruel place and good people die because we can’t be as cruel as the world needs us to be. I guess we just can’t deal with people like everyone else can.”
I used to get really depressed because I used to look at the world exactly like this. It seemed as if like people who are good at screwing other people over or at least good at stopping other people from screwing them over was the secret to life, happiness, and everything. However, the more I looked, the more I noticed that there are a lot of very kind-hearted, good people who mind their own business who also eke out pretty good lives as well. I just didn’t notice them because they blended into the background.
The truth is in your last paragraph. The world needs people like us. People who are there for other people when they are down and have nowhere to turn. And everyone has been let down or been the one who disappointed others. But that is no reason to stop trying to make this world a better place.
Like at the end of the movie “The Bone Collector”, Morgan Freeman says :
“The world is a fine place,
and worth fighting for.”
I agree with the last part.
Whoops ! It was actually at the end of the movie “Seven”.
Hope to see you here again 😉
Alejandro–suicides are contagious. You’ve apparently experienced two in your teens. Have you had the chance to talk with anyone about these devastating events?