People are selfish bastards. Â They say all these things and think they’re such good people, but when you need help or just a sympathetic ear to listen, they’re conveniently “busy” and have no time for you. Â But god forbid a minor thing happen to them and THEY expect YOU to bend over backwards for them.
People are a joke. Â There’s no one decent left. Â At least none I know.Â
So many times in a day do I notice how little people care about what I have to say. I’ll listen and discuss and provide verbal comfort towards their problems and even then, if I try to reciprocate with problems of my own or my own thoughts, it goes right back to them.
Anymore, I just avoid people.
Well that’s how people are: it is either you have one or no friend or person you can rely on. People have no time for each other nomore. People are consumed by the world too much that they have forgotten what unity or even humanity is.
Just rely on yourself. That’s the best you can ever do for yourself.
It is not much, but perhaps I could ‘listen’, or rather read. I’m at if you feel like exchanging some e-mails.