Through the past year I have learned a lot about depression and a little of mental illnesses in general and since I have nothing better to do for the next…4 hours I will type out what I think I have learned. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Side effects of depression, whether it be major depressive disorder, dythemia- but excluding manic or bipolar depression
-loss of concentration
-weight gain/loss(amazing how you can have the two extremes for one illness…)
-feeling of hopelessness or helplessness
-poor memory(possibly relating to loss of concentration or lack of sleep)
-sleeping too much or not enough(again with the polar opposites)
-psychosis(if extreme)
Now some that relate specifically to me that may not be other peoples experience
-reckless behaviour
-self destructive behaviours
-distancing from social situations(possibly a step before a suicide plan)
-no motivation
-fatique(maybe due to malnourishment, from not caring about taking care of myself)
Now for bipolar
-manic episodes (obviously, not as noticeable in type 2)
-reckless behaviour
-can actually have negative symptoms, not all schizophrenics see or hear things
And I guess that is my limited knowledge of mental disorders, excluding OCD
1 comment
Another side effect of depression is physical pain in muscles, joints, bones.. pretty much everywhere.