“Hey did you hear about that bridge on road (insert address here)? Its apparently haunted. Yeah a girl committed suicide there. They say you can still hear the echo of her brain matter splatter when her head bounced off the pavement.”
Ok so i am dramatic but for the love of god I dont want to end up being that ONE place that all the drunken teenagers go to see “ghosts”.
Yes. Of course I believe in ghosts. How else do you think celebrity autobiographies are written.
Lol. I am in a particularly good mood today.
I don’t believe anything that pertains to the supernatural or fantasy. I don’t believe in souls either, there’s nothing that lives beyond a person’s death, once a person is gone, they are gone. I’ll paraphrase Stephen Hawking’s words ‘A person is like an organic machine, and once a machine ceases to work, that’s it. When a computer dies it does not go to heaven, neither do people’.
There’s no evidence to suggest that ghosts exist, nor any logical reasoning for there to even be a chance they exist.
Have you read any of my posts on the subject of ghosts? lol
I’ve had my own battles with malicious spirits
I didn’t want to believe in ghosts either..till I found myself in a ghostly situation of my own! You can’t help but believe and question life after death once you’ve experienced it for yourself firsthand.
Ill check it out lol
The post is called “delusions”
I just read your post RT, good as ever.
It’s funny, I was just listening to a lecture by someone who brought up the topic of those who claimed to have ‘a 6th sense’ or some other kind of ‘super power’ of sorts. Now, I don’t mean to invalidate your claim or insult you in any way, but I find it hard to believe that people can ‘predict the future’ or sense something others cannot. The man in the video was talking about how people have hunches sometimes about things they think will happen, and when these predictions turn out to be true, they use it as evidence that they have a special talent. When people predict things and they do not turn out the way they predicted people brush it off and forget about it. What he was saying is, people only use the successful evidence to support their belief and brush off the unsuccessful ones entirely, which reinforces their belief that they have a special ‘power’.
Scientists have tested these kind of things, and the ‘power’ these people claimed to have always disappeared in a controlled, scientific environment. I wonder why. Hmm. Everyone can predict things on subconscious levels, having a ‘6th sense’ er, I’m a little skeptical. š
I won’t say I believe in mainstream ghost like the bullshit in movies and t.v but I do believe that something supernatural or paranormal may visit people from time to time. They may or may not be “ghost” in that sense… but just like there is not solid evidence for the existence of them…..their isn’t any against the existence of them either. I have had my own weird experiences and while this isn’t proof for everybody its enough for me to come to my own conclusions.
I don’t mean to freak you all out but I’ve actually seen a ghost. I’ve always been too embarrassed to share my experience on here through fear of being ridiculed, people casting doubt or even being banned from the site (again).
Well, it is true, I saw a ghost. I was 8 and had to see my nan’s before she went abroad. She was knelt down on the floor packing a suitcase and people were generally unperturbed but I felt that something wasn’t right and so it proved to be.
There is a large glass window in the door that separates the living room from the hall leading to the kitchen and it was through this window that I saw this ghost.
I know you are all interested in what this ghost looked like and I’ll tell you. It was a pale old women dressed in white wearing a white headscarf. She waved at me.
How did I know it was a ghost and not some creepy long lost relative you ask. Well, I opened the door and tried to follow this ghost and it just vanished. The kitchen is sealed and there is no way out from the hall. The only plausible explanation is that I had indeed encountered a ghost. It still gives me nightmares now. I feel anxious all the time that they are watching me, messing up my karma.
And that ladies and gentlemen is how I ended up on the suicide project.
I would love to see/believe in ghosts – but i find it curious that all ghost stories come with the word “story” attached … i have gone to place where they say paranormal stuff happens “all the time” … but alas, when i arrive, it’s always my “skepticism” that makes the spirits shy so apparently i am not “worthy” or their presence.
There is no logic that can consist of a sentient entity without some physical vessel to contain it. The world would certainly be more interesting if it were possible but alas it is not … so …in a word …
no – i do not believe in ghosts, spirits, gods, unicorns heavens, hells or devils- at least until i have personally experienced something or science can reasonable suggest there is something.
skeptic dawg
Today is actually the day I give up looking into the future. I’ve been promising myself for years that I would give up trying to predict the future, and today is the final day. It simply is too hard on my brain to keep believing that I can actually see what is going to happen. This will be my new therapy, simply relaxing my thoughts and not trying to be right about everything. I do have a talent, but I am giving it up once and for all. The stress relief will be just what my mind needs. One more step towards “normality”.
But still..the ghost thing isn’t something I can control. My experience with ghosts isn’t something I can just unlive or forget. It’s not something I can just prove didn’t happen..because my whole family knows that it did. I am forever a believer wether I want to be or not! lol
People, ghosts are real. Deal with it.
@Duke I kind of wish something ‘creepy’ would happen to me so that I could decide for myself, but then again I might just think I had finally started having hallucinations, unless others had seen or experienced it too.
But I’ve heard stories of hauntings, where there is blood on the walls and objects thrown and laughter, etc.
If these things happen, perhaps they’re not actually the ‘dead’ but other life-forms who can appear as visible or invisible when they so please? Perhaps Duke could be right for thinking they might be watching us all the time. Maybe there are many who do not try to stir up trouble, and then there are the ones who are more mischievous or malicious. Who knows.
The only strange experiences I’ve had was one time when I used to lie in my bed as a kid and hear this knocking on my bed. I would lay perfectly still and this knocking noise would continue. It did not seem to be coming from another room, either. I thought it might have been the squirrels in the attic, and maybe it was, but it seemed to originate from my bed. I told my father about it and he could hear it too.
There was this children’s book I had, by a famous fantasy author. My cousin had given me the book, and something about it unnerved me. The story itself was quite strange, though it was a popular title. One day, I decided to take it out of my room, and lo and behold, the knocking ceased. I literally never heard it again.
I don’t know what to make of that, and if it was just the squirrels and it happened to coincide with the removal of the book. I guess I’ll never know. I wonder if my cousin had perceived a peculiar quality to this copy, as well, and that is why he gave it to me.
Other than that, I’ve had frequent half-dream states where I knew I was lying in my bed, but could see other beings around me. This most recently occurred a couple of weeks ago, and I was lying in my bed, feeling ‘awake,’ and I knew there were creatures around me. There were shadows that we growing larger and larger, and there was a low growling. (By the way, I was alone in the house at this time.) I felt trapped to my bed but not exactly frightened, and then I gained total consciousness. Sometimes I would be a bit nervous after such a dream, but this time I wasn’t, really. I did leave a small light on so there weren’t any shadows (lol) but then I went back to bed and slept normally.
At times I think to myself, when I have these very ‘real’ dreams where I am half-conscious, that I am somehow being given a sight into what actually surrounds us all the time, but to which we are invisible. Like it’s another dimension.
I probably sound a little loopy, but hey. It could be possible! Lol.
RT30 I agree….my own experiences don’t give a fuck about what science suggests… As I said before individual experiences aren’t not proof for all but mines are proof enough for me
scratch the “not” after aren’t
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