i was just watching In Time with JT and Amanda Seyfried (cute). For those who haven’t seen it, its quite unique. The year is 2150 or so and humans have been engineered to stop aging at 25 years old. The problem is that once you reach 25 a digital second counting clock on your arm starts meaning you only have a year to live. Another problem is you dont actually get that whole year because you have to spend your time on food and such. There are different time zones. In the ghetto most people live day to day but people time out and bodies lay all over the street. In the richest time zone, people have thousands of years, some even millions, (there motto is “for a few to be immortal, many must die” they spend there whole lives just trying not to die accidently. Anyway I was so bored I decided to write here. This is the only web site I can write on. I spent a good deal of today depressed and even made a few fresh cuts. I wonder if i lived in that movie if i would work to earn time to live another day or I would just allow myself to time out. i think i know the answer.