if we stopped cutting would we be able to be us? if we continued to cut and we went to far would people miss us? if we went mute would people still be there for us? most of us cant stop the cutting and some dont want to but can you really blame us for being us we dont moan at you if we dont like what you do but its who we are now no matter what
The world would keep on spinning, I guess!
All does questions I ask my self a lot. I am adicted to cutting is really hard to let it go. Is like an alcaholic without a good bottle of wine.
Cutting is hard to let go. But all of those questions depend on the person and the people that surround them.
I don’t know about that. All I know is that without our soul we lose all control.
without cutting…………. I would guess a few of us would “snap”.
It is needed to maintain any sanity.