Is this whole world being run by demons? Does it feel like larger (and malevolent) forces are dictating your life and this world? Making things 100X harder than they should be? Causing pain, humiliation, despair, anguish and grief for good hearted people and for animal? It seem like everything that can go wrong does go wrong, and then some? It seem like pieces of your mind is missing? Seem like people want to hurt you?  Seem like you can say something that’s true and obvious 1000 times but no one will believes you or pay attention to you?  Seems like people are blind to what should be obvious and blind to the horrors of the world? Seem like luck hits everyone else but never you? Seem like a target on your forehead marking you out for excessive sufferings?
I think its demons running the show. Definitely some evil warped beings out there.
What you think?
I think there’s negative energy and positive energy and whatever you focus your energies on the most is generally what you get the most. You could easily call the negative demons and the positive God/angels if that’s the way you like to describe it. I think it’s all the same with different names. But I think everyone is born with the capability for each and you pick what you pick depending on what you think you deserve and then it becomes a habit to choose that for yourself, whether good or bad.
Unfortunately suicidal people are those that hyper focus on the negative. I am one. And I think anyone suicidal mind that really examines itself will see that there is a different way to think and even though this sucks, we have chosen it to an extent. Most of the responsibility lies with us to make of it what we will. Sorry to give a kind of harsh truth/reality thing but this is how I see it and it doesn’t make it any easier being suicidal and taking full responsibility for it, it’s just the kind of truth as I see it.
I used to believe a lot in fate and stuff. Until i realized that everything can change based on your choices so nothing is written in stone. Fate then didn’t quite make sense to me any longer.
Everything can’t change though. I mean I am disabled that can never change. I’d give anything to change it. I’d give anything to make animals stop suffering. There are a zillion things in life that are devastating and can’t be changed. That’s why I want to die.
I want to die as well. I’ve suffered enough in this world. All my pets were taken from me. My heart aches for animals. I just living off of my savings now. I’ve thought about hanging myself in a quiet forest in the not too distant future. Demons or no demons, as long as u live on earth you will never find peace and quiet.