i’m 25 male. no drive left to even type. don’t care enough to use grammar. have a baby girl. everything else, i don’t care. just want to sleep, not wake. tried no food water yesterday but wife started kicking me until i had food and drinks. i don’t like suicide. want to make look like accident.
i can’t feel emotion anymore except unhappiness, so no point in going on. just tired of trying. everything is boring except baby girl. should do this now before she’s old enough to remember.
don’t want to read response about don’t do it. i’m like a car that’s totaled, it’s hopeless and i’m broken, can’t be fixed. just tell me how to die in my sleep peacefully. don’t want family to know for sure it was suicide. thanks.
As much as it sucks, you probably have to go on with your life. I did. Killing yourself is difficult enough as is, let alone not wanting anyone to know.
Quit your whinin’ and take care of your daughter.
of course I’m being hypocritical (being myself suicidal) and maybe even unfair, but I guess you should assume your responsibility as a father. You shouldn’t have had a daughter if you weren’t willing to provide her as long as she needs.
In short: she didn’t choose to be born, but you chose to have her.
some of us here have noone (in my opinion, they have better reasons to leave), you have 2 people, your wife and your daughter.
Be grateful for them, really.
It sounds like you need some medical help, try that. You have nothing to lose, really.
Yeah that must be rough having a wife and kid. Try being alone constantly and see how fun that is.
i have to ask… why are you so unhappy? it’s not loneliness for sure, so what went so wrong on your life that you want to kill yourself and leave your wife and child behind?