I claw at the mental door of pain, blocking me from happiness
I scream out, hoping that maybe, just maybe, someone would hear me
I don’t give up, I scream and yell, I yell, “HELP I’M TRAPPED! PLEASE HELP!”
But alas no one can hear me even if someone did they wouldn’t help me nor would they care.
I sob until I drown myself with my own tears and hurt myself with my own pain
I try to pry the door open, to see just a sliver of light, just a sliver of the bright happiness I once knew
I desperately try to find something, or maybe someone, to help me get out of this cage
But then again it’s a mental door no one can help, but only me
I want to just know what’s going to happen, what’s going to happen next
I cannot see in this darkness of the pain, I cannot feel nor can I hear
I feel frightened, terrified, scared of what is going to come, what’s going to happen next
But who would know? Who would know what I, myself, am going through and what will happen next?
I fight with Fate all night, I fight and fight desperately just trying to grasp onto knowledge
I want to know who to blame, who to blame them for my pain, to make them feel guilty
I claw, punch, hit trying to fight the someone who is there that is causing this pain
But there is no one there, there is no one to blame for this pain, there is no one I can hurt
I mend my own wounds, I fix them up, even though I’m not good at it, so they open again
I make my own cast and sign it because no one cares enough to sign it
I talk to myself because there isn’t anyone that I can share these secrets with
But then again there are people to share these things with, but they can’t know