I must tell you. I find a lot of truth in this. A helluva lot.
I read Divergent too. I like the series a lot.
“No one saw her the way she truly was until she jumped”
I suppose this means that when she was finally going to be gone, that’s when the people in her life realized what they were going to be missing. For me, that’s not so true. There isn’t a thing about me that contributes to this world, therefore nobody would “truly see me the way I was” when I was about to make the final exit.
“I suppose a fire that burns bright is not meant to last”
What IS meant to last? Not even life. Some may [personally] believe that the soul is meant to last. That it goes beyond life. . . and I will not get into that. In my life, happiness isn’t meant to last either. I was forced to learn that over and over again until the fact finally stuck.
I must tell you. I find a lot of truth in this. A helluva lot.
I read Divergent too. I like the series a lot.
“No one saw her the way she truly was until she jumped”
I suppose this means that when she was finally going to be gone, that’s when the people in her life realized what they were going to be missing. For me, that’s not so true. There isn’t a thing about me that contributes to this world, therefore nobody would “truly see me the way I was” when I was about to make the final exit.
“I suppose a fire that burns bright is not meant to last”
What IS meant to last? Not even life. Some may [personally] believe that the soul is meant to last. That it goes beyond life. . . and I will not get into that. In my life, happiness isn’t meant to last either. I was forced to learn that over and over again until the fact finally stuck.
“No one” is a might broad brush to cover the world with