I don’t know what to do anymore and I could use some advice or something. On January 18 my boyfriend left me. He was the only reason I had to keep going. He was my only happiness in the mess I call a life. We had been together for four months. We’re both in high school- he’s a senior and I’m a junior. He just moved here from another state and has been through a similar but far worse past. We understood each other, or I thought we did. We were good for each other. The last month we were together my medications changed. I have depression and social anxiety, as well as some trust issues. The truth is, he was the only person I’d ever been able to talk about my past with. I completely trusted him and let him see a part of me I hate. I’ve always been the “shy” girl. When I was with him I always had somewhere to go and I was so much happier. The last month we were together my depression started to get worse. I was losing sleep and I wasn’t eating, and I pushed him away. I lashed out. He stopped inviting me over and wouldn’t return half of my texts. This was my first relationship and besides that I’ve never had any good role models to look to in relationships. I’m not good at communicating my feelings. I loved him deeply but I couldn’t show him anymore. He started getting upset at what I said so I stopped talking again. I was afraid to say anything that would make him leave. We stopped having any physical contact. He stopped walking me home. He started ignoring me and saying things at lunch that he knew would hurt me. I stayed and kept my mouth shut. But it didn’t matter. I put up with his negative comments about me. It wasn’t enough. I couldn’t understand why he was being this way. I would never try to hurt him, but every day he was hurting me. The night we broke up he said he hated me because I was limiting him and I was too insecure and I was fake because my personality changed and I wore too much makeup, so he wouldn’t hold me. I didn’t know my makeup bothered him. I wasn’t happy and fun anymore because it took all I had just to get out of bed in the morning. I’m sorry I’m not as strong as he is. He said I never cared about him and he would never have sex with me. You have to understand he is a complete gentleman. He’s strong and incredibly handsome and brave and smart. He’s the best man I’ve ever known. I’ve started going to therapy. He said he still loves me and would give me a second chance if I got better. He used to say I was the best person he’d ever met and if I can be that person again he would love me again. But I don’t know how to be that way anymore. I was putting off suicide until after his birthday, but that was last week. Now I’m afraid. I don’t have anything left.
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Hi, my name is Ashley.
I am so very sorry that not only do you struggle with depression, it seems that the people you give your everything to do not treasure it as what it is~worth more than gold.
You are truly valuable to so many, and are worth much more than your boyfriend could see. Sometimes, our level of worth and value is so great others do not know how to love all that we are and want to tear us down to their level.
I know the darkness you are in. Lonely, confusing , and you feel like there is no one you will ever be good enough for..when your heart breaks those are the feelings someone who is depressed feel to the max.
You are way to valuable to the world to extinguish yourself from here. Right now these words seem terrible and you might not want to read them, but so often darkness won’t allow us to see the light. Depression and anxiety are nothing to be ashamed of and neither is who you are, this is a part of you like your eye color or blood type. Even though it seems impossible, you can live past this darkness and with depression.
You deserve someone in your life to love you for everything you are, The things that this guy chose to judge you for. You are who you are and are beautiful. All those things that he pointed out and chose to say where not truth, but lies. He is not good for you, and you are way better than he ever will be. It is impossible to be good enough for him because you are beyond good enough for him.
Don’t loose hope, I know it seems like the best option and is very tempting to do. You do have a bright future, but you have to love yourself and see your value. Others opinions do not matter. You are strong and wise, brave and valuable.
If you want to talk, I am totally here for you.