Hi, I’ll say my name is Bret (it’s not) I’ve been cutting for about 1/2 a year now but recently my friend found out and I promised her that I wouldn’t pick up a razor again.. Well tonight I did things have just gottenterrible at my school, I’m secluded and people think I’m weird. But I’m just wondering what I should do..
I cut too. I have for about a year, but have been depressed for way longer. A couple of my friends know about it, and one of them actually cuts too. If cutting helps you, if it’s an outlet for emotions that you keep bottled up inside
I would say to keep cutting, as long as it helps you. That’s what I do..I hope this helps
I have also been cutting since last month.. it realy helps a lot.. to get rid of the agony that seems to be burning me alive..