Why be so rash and impulsive? Because as hard as emotion can be it can also be what drives us to soaring heights and selfless, pure love. What’s the point in acting until the uncertainty and fears are unveiled and reconciled: the choice presents itself with a little time. Patience leads to places and feelings never fathomed possible. Cast off recklessness with a stronger force of commitment and certainty.
You can not be certain of what’s not whole.
Wow you’ve been on this site a long time. Can I ask does it help/has it saved you or changed your mind once/ever? I’m new since 2 days and very clear about being ready, but just wonder if you can ever come back from that point where your at peace with it and long for it to end? Sorry to hitchhike on your post 🙂
I can say there have been things on this site over the years which have really made me stop and think. I’ve been in the pits of despair and faced some pretty tragic periods in life. I know for me, when I felt like jumping and having no more part in life, I’ve sought out others in similar situations – suicideproject was and still is a great place to connect.
Maybe the site alone didn’t necessarily save me, but the people, their experiences, and the different perspectives on the woeful situations we all face, definitely helped me think differently.
Thanks for sharing.