My friends found out I was depressed but haven’t done anything about it and barely even acknowledge it. I absolutely can not stand when they used the word depressed or bipolar to describe how they are feeling when they will never feel what it’s like to have a mental illness as horrible as depression. Here I am they’re best friend suffering in silence and they just laugh at the word I can’t stand it
When my friends found out, they told me I was fake and left me. Friends are dumb sometimes.
All my friends left me to when I got really depressed
unfortunately, i drifted away from my friends. it was my own doing. i didn’t want to baggage them and i feel like i couldn’t talk about anything relatable anymore with them. therefore i built a wall and it was never broken down. i guess i expected too much from them.
I know how you feel… I’ve had times when jokes about friends joking about being ‘depressed’, or jokes about suicide, made me feel so sick and sad. For me it helped knowing people who knew what it really meant. Your friends just don’t understand it, which overall is a good thing, although it’s hard to listen to the jokes… But you need to know people who get it. Maybe you could try to explain it to your friends as well?
that truly sucks. friends are fickle. if we can learn to be our own friend thats more than half the battle. nothing beats another heart cheering you on though, i totally agree. best of luck.
Jokes about suicide is the worst for me. They laugh while they said that. It kinda pisses me off. They don’t know how some other people struggle just to keep that thought away.
There was even a time when they hated and laughed at a person with bipolar disorder. Like we don’t even know how that person cope up with his illness EVERYDAY.
People have enough shit to deal with truthfully your depression isn’t their problem and they have many problems of their own to deal with so stop acting like a victim because people don’t want to pity you over something that’s completely normal