There’s never a shortage of people who piss me off.
Mean people suck.
Racist assholes suck.
Sexist assholes suck.
Greedy people suck.
Rude people suck.
People who use and manipulate others suck.
Backstabbing jealous bitches suck.
Chauvinist pigs suck.
Global warming deniers suck.
People who won’t let you cross the street suck.
People who try to run you over suck.
People who won’t let you merge suck.
People who own giant SUVs or minivans who live in a crowded city and can’t drive, can’t park, and have no business owning them suck.
People who bring their crying babies to concerts, restaurants or movie theaters and destroy your peace suck.
Monsanto sucks.
Polluters suck.
Shitty cops suck.
Passive aggressive people suck.
People who smile to your face but stab you in the back suck.
Who else sucks?
Yes that’s all true.
Now try and write an opposite list.
Those that don’t suck and why
It might just make you feel better.
Its ok you can say it
“you suck for saying this” ha ha
ok, “positive” people suck 😛
Young and healthy people who think the handicapped seats have their name sewn on it suck.
People who bring big shopping carts and double strollers and their 6 kids on the bus to take all the handicapped seats away from people who really need them suck.
All of those yes
You know I do agree with you on that too.
Sometimes it can be so sickening how someone can maintain such a positive attitude continuously no matter what. I met one on the weekend and I threw heaps of questions at him,
but what do you do in this situation etc etc. In the end his answers made me laugh so his positivity infected me too.
Totally agree about the chauvinist pigs and crying babies and sexist assholes…
Heck, I guess you’re right about all of them. 😉
Hard to think of any more to add, but here, I’ll try.
People who say “Cheer up and smile!” suck.
People who breathe garlic in your face at 10:00 on a Sunday morning… suck.
People who take up all the handicapped parking spaces (but don’t have a permit) suck.
Guys who break up with you and say “Let’s Just Be Friends”, but have absolutely no intention of doing so… yeah. Big suck.
People who put onions on your sandwich after you explicitly ordered it “with no onions”, and the receipt says “no onions”… Suckeroo.
People who are glad to be strange and bizarre even when they realize they fit into none of society’s “normal” molds…. actually those people are kinda cool. I hope I’m one of them. If not, I need to try harder to amp up my weirdness quotient.
Everything sucks. Except for kindness.
sadly, not enough of that in the world.