I had been dealing with a bacterial infection in my gums. It was finally starting to go away. Then I had a massage which included a TMJ massage (which I never had before and which I had booked before all this, and had thought it would be mostly a neck and jaw massage). And now whatever it did, it now spread the bacteria all over again and my gums are inflamed again. 🙁
Fuck me fuck me fuck me
It is Valentine’s day, I am bleeding (have my female curse), and my gums are infected, again. FML.
I already have a followup appt to my dentist in a week. Do I wait or do I rush back in without an appt, trying to get seen before that? It’s an $80 visit, and he basically puts 4 cotton balls in my mouth that contains some kind of chemical. Do I get that again, or just wait for it to heal on it’s own? Because it was cotton balls, go home, mouthwash, and wait for it to heal last time.
Good morning Honey, Happy Valentines day, its sweet to hear you this morning
Sorry to hear about your issues you are dealing with. But for what its worth. Happy Valentines day. I hope that things get better for you soon.
Well I would go if it was me, because I know I can reduce my week (or month) spends to balance my economy and I think it’s better to be ok, the sooner the better. What if it gets worst? And it’s not just about it but because it can affect your mood and hurt your mental state this days, so it would be better to try to get things well and it will all make life a little more bearable.
Hello I am Rocketman’s girlfriend. If I were you I would go back to the dentist immediately. I t is worth the 80.00 bucks to save your teeth. I have been in the medical field for over 10 years and gum disease is nothing to play around with. I hope you feel better soon. Also I would not eat solid foods until this issue is cleared up.
Hmm. Rocketman’s girlfriend aye,
So many questions:
Do you have a pet name we could tease him with?
Hows this i’m going to make a post and she can answer your So many questions 🙂
You can ask questions about me if you want but she is in the medical field and might be able to give some good advice. 🙂