Why me? Why do I have to be that one person who is the friend that could go missing and NOBODY would notice or care? Why is my bestfriend so much better than me? Why do I have to be ugly? Why do I have to be FAT? I workout so much, for no results. Why don’t I have any good qualities???
Sweetheart… You have a talent darling, why keep yourself down just because you are portly. Most women that are this way happen to have the best lovers. Tell me… Are you going to believe the mirror, the jerks or a stranger who doesn’t want you to hurt anymore?
Sweetheart why are you hurting just because of how you seem to look? Are you going to believe the mirror, the jerks or a stranger to save you from your suffering?
Why me is a question I ask myself for about 20 years. Still no answer. I am sure you are a great person with many qualities.
I ask the same question every day. But I know you can find something good about yourself