Couple attempts after and seems I have myself sorted out for the time being.
pretty optimistic I guess. Little numb still but it feels nice not to have that horrible depression looming over me.
Figure from now on I try my hardest to stay positive or at least neutral. No point letting myself get depressed. I feel more control over my emotions lately so getting there. Mental health is a tricky issue, people like me have to be very careful where we let our minds go cause it can lead me to some pretty dark places.
Glad I’m alive, can have a bad day or a good day.. they’re just days. But when I choose to be happy or at the very least just blank or neutral at least I don’t choose to be depressed. I’d even settle for angry but I won’t choose depressed for a bit it fuckn sucks
Hope all are having a good day
I love dark places. and I love depression because its the only thing that I can choose to be happy if you have friends.
I’m glad that you’re alive. I agree that idle time to think very easily breeds depression. Keep yourself busy, keep walking forward.
Never. Never.
I like not having too many friends. Makes things simple
you guys are my only friends !!!!!