Yu had strong points in your last post. I believe the truth is none of us want to die, we all want a chance to live pain free like it appears other ppl live. I think that might be the worst part, is that we all know there is a “better side” to this cuz we see all around us but life is hard nd painful no matter what we may want and I think if we lived in a world where suicide was allowed then ppl could be evaluated to see if their life was worth it to them or somethin along thos lines
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Thanks, I think I was just speaking personally on that point you’re referring to in what I had said. There are things I’d still like to experience which is why I’m still around.
While I appreciate your optimistic perspective, I don’t think we could really generalize that to everyone-I believe that there are other people who genuinely wish to end their lives. I’m also speaking from experience, since I’ve had such moments in my life where I preferred to have been dead than what I was going through at the time.
However I was able to improve my situation through a lot of hard work and put myself in a better position, so I’m not as keen to end my life now as I was in the past though I still have some bad days where I’m not happy being around.
I do agree with your last point-if assisted suicide/euthanasia was available to anyone without question, people would have that peace of mind knowing if things got unbearable they could just end it-giving them the freedom to try to live a better life.