And stressed. Time is running out, we don’t have a real plan, and my hours have been cut back down to 10 so I don’t have money to eat anything let alone save a penny. I had been trying to sell a collection of things I have that by any normal means, anyone else could sell for at least $1000 total out of everything. But because it’s *me* and the entire community believes horrible lies about me, plenty of people have piped up to “warn” people of me and the (false) accusations against me to keep people from buying so that I have no fucking chance of selling the only god damn things I have worth anything. (that was 1.)
2. I know someone online for a long time now that I’ve not met in person but this person has for their entire adult life refused to get a job stating that they’ll have a temper tantrum on day 1 and get fired because they can’t work with people. Somehow this person has never been homeless or out on their ass like I have many times when I work my fucking hardest to survive being physically disabled even and I can’t get shit for it. So this person, at some point earlier in the year applied for and easily got SSI for refusing to work when I’ve never been able to get it for legit physical limitations and incapabilities. So, this person’s birthday is coming up and this person routinely asks for money to be donated to them online just for the sake of give me money coz I don’t want to work, and some dumb fuck actually gave them $500 for their birthday and on top of that, this person is STILL begging for more birthday donations. For nothing. When we all know it goes to getting drunk. Now, I don’t dislike this person at all but I am highly annoyed by it. Why the fuck should someone have it so easy????
I can’t make a dime the honest way or sell anything just because people hate me and believe complete lies and slander. I DESPERATELY need money to move and I can’t even get a job in a fucking telemarketing or customer service call center here which I’d only need to do for two fucking months to get the extra we need to leave the state. And leaving this state is going to happen one way or the other and very soon because this state punishes homelessness with prison time (for people that already have a record, as the love of my life does). So he can’t stay here and I’m trying to convince him to go some place that’s not a complete shit hole where there would be a chance of us NOT being homeless. But we really need just a little bit to go on! Not much, just a little! And I’m counting fucking change for dollar menu shit to maybe have 1 thing to eat every day while other people can sit on their ass and have everything fucking handed to them like miracle after miracle and blessing after blessing but I can’t catch a fucking break to save my fucking life!!
And 3. As if my jobs didn’t suck enough having to be on call 24-7-365 for shit that only gives me 10/15 hours a week, leaves me DEEPLY in debt to the fucking government for even having these piss ant little jobs, which 80% goes to rent A ROOM that I’m paying more than an equal share on, but I got to work in a hot ass fucking office with the god damned heat up to 90F when it’s 80F outside feeling like I’m gonna have a fucking heat stroke and burning out my 2012 macbook making it run over 200F because it’s so goddamn fucking hot in here when it’s capable of running at a cool 120F in a normal room with a little a/c to keep it a decent office temperature. And then, yeah, the boss wants the crippled person to rearrange the fucking office!! I can’t even lift the big screen TV! Sorry but I’m not fucking able bodied!!!!! >:(
OH… And 4. I’m just plain SICK of how you have to be anorexic to have a man in this world!!!!!!
Maybe you should go on food stamps. That will at least lighten the load
I can’t! You have to be homeless or unemployed and work 0 hours or else be clocked in for 40 hours with a single employer. 0 hours = $189/mo in food stamps, 40hrs/week = $189/mo in food stamps — anything in between they say fuck you!! >:(
No you don’t have to be unemployed, homeless, or work 0 hours to be on food stamps. I know people who are working with a place live who get food stamps. You have to apply first and then they will review your application to see you are eligible or not.
The whole food stamp program is to help the unemployed and homeless.
Did you even try?
Yes we have tried. The 2 people I lived with got the same amount when they had full time jobs, but their situations changed and they lost their food stamp benefits after dropping below 40 hours just like I lost mine the second I picked up a 15 hour a week job. And we can’t get benefits back. This is Chicago – how it works here apparently.
Not sure how your welfare system works but here in Canada if you’re disabled the govt fully covers all your living expenses. So if you are crippled as you stated, perhaps they have some program for people in your situation.
You may have heard this saying: If you fail to plan, then you’re planning to fail. If you know that things will get worse for you in the future, then you need to plan well ahead to avoid getting into trouble.
You need a doctor to vouch for your disability. It’s been almost 18 years next month and they’ll give me drugs to help with pain but they won’t say SHIT. They don’t want me to even get a discounted bus card much less a check. When you’re poor and disabled, you’re fucked. You have to be born that way (like he is with how he walks) but if a doctor cuts a hole in your back and fucks you up when you’re 20 years old, it’s fuck you, go die.
Don’t you have family you can stay with until you get yourself together?