I need help. I’m at the end of my rope. I’m drowning and nothing can save me. My husband and I got into a huge fight today. He kept calling me an idiot over and over so I slammed the bedroom door. He said he wanted to talk to come out. News flash he didn’t. He just yelled at me more and called me an idiot again. I slammed the door again. This time hard enough to break it, it’s a shit door. He yelled more and told me to come out. I did because I guess I am an idiot. He told me I knew where the gun was and I should just kill my self. I want to, my mom would die too without me. She’s old and frail and the shock would kill her. May E I should, all it takes is one. I guess I could get drunk and take a tone of pills too. I can’t be a vegetable incase it didn’t work. Who would care if I’m gone. He won’t, I can’t leave I have no money and no where to go. I just need help.
Can you live with your mother for now?
A relationship can only be fixed if both parties are willing to change and treat each other with respect. Your husband would have to make that choice himself. In the meantime, it’s probably better for your safety and emotional health to stay away from him. If you do want to work things out, you could suggest couples therapy later on once you’ve both had some breathing room and cooled down. People have to realize when their behavior is toxic, otherwise they’ll keep acting that way.
When someone encourages you to kill yourself, that is a good time to break up with them…
There must be somewhere you can go. Maybe a shelter for abused women or something.