Who if anyone do you blame for your condition/ circumstances?
Is there a specefic life even that has lead you down this road?
I personally have no blame, I feel I was born with my issues and anything else has been self inflicted. Im actually rather grateful for the people i’ve had in my life. Though I know this isnt often the case.
I don’t believe there is a direct cause and relation between what happened to me and who I am now. Most of my pain and issues are my doing but I guess I have the ” luxury” of being able to blame certain people and events for my depression. I blame my father’ s death even if cancer is not something one can possibly blame, I blame my assaulter who hurt me very much as a kid , I blame my stepfather for not missing a single occasion to belittle me and make me feel like I m evil. But it doesn’t help to have ” valid” reasons ( such as mourning, sexual aggression, child neglect and verbal violence). I now it can be sordid and scary to be depressed for no reason but at least you don’t know what it is to hate someone else so much you want them dead. At least people don’t look at you like you re a social case, an error, someone who should not have lived what she lived. I m not saying it is easier for you than it is for me. But blame has brought me nowhere, so don’t regret having no one and nothing to blame.
I only blame myself. I should of been better; I should of been smarter, I should of tried harder, I should of, I should of ect ect ect… it’s all my fault I have no blame for anyone else
I have been depressed ever since I remember. But it really kicked in when I was fifteen. I was able to “fake it” for years. A couple teachers noticed it in my writings and spoke to me about my sensitive nature. My parents were of the opinion that if I was less than perfect it would make them look bad.
I played along, bombing out of college. Got a pretty good job. Finally and totally broke in my late twenties. Asked for help at work. Doesn’t help that I have a painful chronic disease. I wasn’t sick (physically) until my early twenties. I have my ups and downs.
I go on about myself too much. But I really only blame myself. But I do wish my parents had taken more interest in me. Perhaps I would have gotten help and coping skills.
I blame the people who have engineered the world to be as it is. If you live in Honduras, the West Bank, or Guatemala right now, it’s easy to answer this question. The answers are obvious and right in front of your face. In most parts of the first world, it’s more ambiguous, and we’re encouraged to believe it boils down to personal failings. We’re encouraged to internalize the impacts and the result is psychological collapse. And hey, here we are.
“I blame the people who have engineered the world to be as it is.”
Most definitely. Also, people in 1st world countries have the same issues, but to a much less obvious extent. Those in power purposely and viciously keep the poor down, and keep them in poverty. Tax the poor, give the money to the rich. Keep wages low. Take away pensions, take away unions, take away health care, take away money from public schools, take away money from everything the poor needs to survive and get out of poverty. And then blame the poor for being poor, for not “working hard enough”, for not “pulling themselves up by the bootstraps,” for spending all our money on “booze and liquor and women”
With that said, I most certainly blame my family. I would not be the fractured and broken person that I am without those who purposely and maliciously abused me.
i blame myself.
Blame the pit of hell. Do not take your pain out on yourself or anyone else. You are perfect the way you are. Things will get better. Be patient and pray.