want to commit suicide. I am looser abd i have wasted my whole life and i have become a burden on others. They all hate me. I can’t goof around anymore. I have decided that now yhere is no other option left j will have to find the courage somehow and fo it. Before i was thinking about jumping from 9 th floor. But j dont think thats is tall enough. Next option is hanging Myself. I want to be sure that no matter what i do not survive. Please suggest me how can I successfully hang myself.
I did read your previous post from 2013 –
sorry you are in a bad place
why do you want to hang yourself?
What happend that makes you need to dy?
Hanging yourslef, sorry i’ve no idea how to do that. I’m blidn so i never saw pictures about it. Jumping form a building seems to do the job as long as you make your head hit the gound first. if yu want to talk email me: dick(at)deds.nl replace (at) with teh sign used in all mailadresses.