If, at some distant future date, there happen to be time travelers who study the activities of the human race and its contributions to the continuum of time, and if these time travelers can access old internet records and find this post, and if they deem me worthy of continued existence (from a future perspective of knowing what I would accomplish if I continued to live), then god damn it they better send me some fucking backup pronto, because I’m about to change the timeline.
I don’t understand… can you explain to me?
Sure. That’s a fair question.
If, at some distant future date, there happen to be time travelers who study the activities of the human race and its contributions to the continuum of time, and if these time travelers can access old internet records and find this post, and if they deem me worthy of continued existence (from a future perspective of knowing what I would accomplish if I continued to live), then god damn it they better send me some fucking backup pronto, because I’m about to change the timeline.
You’ve already changed the timeline by deleting 99.7% of you posts.
I have acess to only the saltempire. Find me at briikeigantattoos. Same @email adresser.