When was the time when I lost myself? Just tell me so that I can go back there and undo it or just erase that part of my life… cause I look at my family and imagine what’d happen to them once I’m gone like forever… Who would defend my sister when she’s done something wrong? To whom would mommy talk her heart out? Who would take daddy’s side when they fight? Who would roam around the house giggling unnecessarily (even tho it’s fake)? So just tell me how it all started? Or when it all started? Or why it all started? Cause I’ve no fucking idea… All I remember is that it just did. And once it did, all I could think about was suicide. The reason (if there’s any) is unexplainable… Even to me myself… It’s like it vanished somewhere in my head and now it’s just gone forever. And yes pain really is a prison. And for the first time in a long time, I want to be back to being normal( although normal is overrated but still) cause I don’t want my lil sister to cry at my funeral without even knowing the reason why the person whom she looked up to killed herself. It’s just that I can either die or go back to being normal but I can’t live like this… cause living while wishing to die sucks. It fucking sucks. And I don’t have anyone to talk to which might make me a pathetic loser but I can’t wake up everyday and pretend to be normal when I clearly am not. I’m not fucking normal. I am severely fucked up… My life, head everything is fucked up. And I can’t live like this cause it’s painful it’s hard. I am thinking of every possible way to commit suicide… Like I said earlier, normal isn’t just within my radar. I just… it’s getting harder… Tell me the reason why it all started… Just show me that there’s someone who feels me and would listen to me… But then there’s another thing… Who am I even asking this from cause no one’s gonna read these fucked up words of a fucked up mind of a fucked up person
I know you must feel terrible, it’s hard to function when you’re constantly plagued by those thoughts
Is therapy an option for you?
Idk man. It’s not like I’ve ever been to a therapist but from what I know, I don’t think it would be helpful.
This is a good place to vent. It’s like the mad hatters tea party, we’re all crazy here. And I’m happy to read and reply as with others on this site. We all showed up for similar reasons.
I can’t say I know everything you’re going through but I definitely feel the same trapped hopelessness sometimes.
I didn’t have a lot of luck with therapy at first but there are some good ones out there that can help, or you can text the crisis chat line at 741 741, it’s not ideal but I tend to freeze up if I have to open my mouth on a serious subject like that so texting works better.
Thanks for giving a damn about me… But I don’t really have a crisis text line in my country and like you said texting works better so I didn’t reach out to the call helpline.
If you scroll down to the bottom of this page you will see online options. Would one of those work?
No they all work in the US alone, or atleast they don’t work in my country.
May I ask what country? Maybe I can do a bit of research for you when I get home and find something. If not you can always talk to me. I can give you that when I get home for sure if youd like.
Dont mind what I post here. When I’m helping someone I put everything aside.
I’m from India. I appreciate your help but I don’t want to be a burden on you so if you could do some research and find the needed resource, that’d be great.
Dont worry about it. I talk to a lot of people from here privately :). Helping people is kinda my purpose I guess. I know what it’s like to have a hard go at life so if I can help other people. Even make them smile for only a second I did something right with my life 🙂
@DOA You’re doing a great job then. And no offense but you’re kinda lucky that you’re able to help other people cause most of us can’t. As for me, I think I’d like to talk to you. But how exactly?
If you have facebook I can send a link to an account just for this. If not theres always email.
I have a Facebook so that’ll be fine
Yay for moderation. Anyway the link to my account is there.
I didn’t get it… Where’s the link?
moderating…if you look at the top of your screen where you can make a new post…theres a little chat bubble with the number 1. that means its in moderation. of course if you go under dashboard-spam-pending, you will find it.
i can google some more if these ones dont work
@DOA thanks for finding these… I’ll contact one of these.