im hungry. but i dont want to eat. i dont even want to have a drink so i can take an advil for my headache. ill think “im hungry” but then ill look at food and just see weight. ive already dropped basically back down to my school weight. and im just about under weight. (the bmi line being 17-18 and mine is currently 19). i know i dont need to lose weight but i hate how i look so much.
honestly it kind of confuses me. ill see other people talking saying “ive gone (pick an hour under a day) without eating” and im going…..but thats just normal for me…..i can go periods where i wont eat for a couple days and when i do, its barely anything. i typically have to share the rest because its too much. but bpd so i also have moments where i binge, which i guess equals my weight out and why im not underweight yet, but it doesnt help at all with the situation.