Here comes AI to take all our jobs away and make humans obsolete.
And not everyone sees AI as a problem? “I’ve been programmed for good”…yeah, and all it takes is for someone to hack or program in something nefarious. Like everything doesn’t get hacked these days.
I think there’s a right way to approach it, some kind of universal income, or some other way that everyone gets enough to eat and a safe place to sleep. If we’re post scarcity, then that could be a good thing for humanity.
Not that is what appears to be happening. First, AI is not as good as people at a number of things, and it won’t be. Writing, got to be one of those. Turns out that AI sucks at writing code, which was one of the things it was supposed to be good at. So it’s hype, and on the back of that hype a bunch of companies are doing layoffs. I don’t see it ending well.
If these AI people could just pick a lane. They’re trying to automate driving, which I support because no one likes being stuck in traffic. Automation exists to get rid of drudgery. Of course, it doesn’t really work. Self driving cars get into a ton of accidents. They’re lousy at it.
I just don’t see why we aren’t trying to automate jobs that the market absulutely refuses to pay a living wage for. Try to automate carpentry, for example, it’s a bunch of spatial relations equations, computers are supposed to be good at it. Instead we’re still paying skilled carpenters less than minimum wage if you include the time they spend quoting jobs for free.
Humanity sucks, AI is just another example of how that expresses itself.
I’m still on strike. The two jobs I had don’t exist for reasons related to tech. Now I see them going after things I had to go to university to learn. So fine, no place in the economy for me, I don’t see why I should force it. Either the market will find new use for humans, OR, universal basic income, if they can automate everything such that there’s enough food and housing (back to my carpentry rant on THAT), then they could afford to just allocate resources.
pfft, you think these greedy soulless ppl in charge of our country, who won’t even give us universal healthcare or housing, would give us universal basic income?
yes, in places where UBI has been tested, it works. but our corporate overlords aren’t going to give us jack sh*t. in fact, they do this on purpose.
“I just don’t see why we aren’t trying to automate jobs that the market absulutely refuses to pay a living wage for.” bc that’s MOST jobs. our rulers absolutely do NOT want to pay us for a living wage- they want to keep us paycheck to paycheck and beholden to them. if they paid ppl a living wage, then ppl would riot and strike and golly, DEMAND stuff, like better working conditions. and our corporate overlords can’t have that.
“First, AI is not as good as people at a number of things”- just give AI another 10 years. It will be. Look at how good AI has gotten in just the last 5-10 years. The advancement is by orders of magnitude. AI does write well- hell, have you seen how AI writes and talk these days? AI writes better than most humans (not talking code, regular speech and writing). Real humans, especially Americans, can’t write for sh*t these days. Have you read the cesspool that is online? People can’t spell, have terrible grammar, don’t know how to use punctuation marks. It’s atrocious. AI is WAY better than the average human. But then again, the average human is dumb as sh*t.
It’s much worse in fact. AI is ‘struggling’ to get rid of drudgery jobs becuase mechanical automation is needed as well as AI to replace sweatshops and factories where people are wasted away. Robotics are still expensive.
But now…easier to do is to let AI draw for us, create for us, write for us, think for us. And so in this world what does not give a fraction of a F*** for us we’ll end up still working in factories while AI does everything that might have enriched us.
Generative and creative AI is the ultimate scenario of humanity giving up on itself. Because creative work has been so utterly devalued to 5 min shelf life social media posts people are on a slippery slope for letting AI just do art for them.
PS. I know its not just creativity….everything has been devalued. And this is why AI has a real chance to properly replace us. If the elites can get a robotic workforce going to a global industrial scale….I’ll not be surprised when the culling starts.
Worst case scenario: The economy tells no difference between humans working or machines, it doesn’t need us and once its done hijacking us like a virus does a cell, it will suckle off AI to finish the job of detroying our planet.