Imagine if we suddenly were granted what we lacked?
mindlessgamer- a better job and one that pays better
Heartlessviking- same as mindlessgamer- a job that actually values you and pays you what they should
there’s lots of ppl on here who want a SO- can’t remember everyone’s usernames- but I think MOST ppl on here are either lacking a loving SO or Money. Or both. Like me.
So…money and love eh?
We all just want to be loved and have enough money/freedom. But apparently we’re asking for too much from this world… -_-
That’s exactly it; it’s too much to ask, considering at least personally how frequently and persuasively I’ve asked. I will grant that I’ve only been asking locally, and perhaps my particular economy is just terrible. Imagine if someone living in a war zone (not picking one, it isn’t political) assumed that’s just life? Going to sleep without fear of air raids, that’s too big of an ask in that situation, and at the same time basic human decency.
but all we can do is set the boundary, refuse to give until it is honored. The abusers can do with that what they want, they tend to outweigh us in economic and social power. But…… dropping back to my situation, not making sweeping statements; I have to stop enabling it. Working for bad people IS a choice, one I can no longer make.
It has a cost, both internal and external, but most boundary setting has a cost. Self centered people WILL make it about them, when it’s just someone choosing health, choosing to value themselves.
Expecting better doesn’t have to be realistic. It can just be necessary, as it is for me. Either THEY do better, or I can wait them out. I’ll die someday, and there is no contract I signed meaning I have any obligation to spend my remaining time pleasing self centered A**holes.
It’s like my horrible ex; I cut her out. She’s still out there living her life, but I’m doing better, and that’s more than I could have reasonably expected. I would rather have spent the rest of my life alone than with her. Lucky for me; there was at least one person ready and willing to do better.
I just want to feel good about myself. I need to love myself better.
One of many things that would help me, Eternal. I lack a lot more than that…
I think life has jaded me in the worst way, and all I keep hearing is the same shit from others: No one gives a fuck what you’re going through mentally, you have to still take care of yourself and pay the bills and what not. Try harder, you aren’t trying hard enough. When I was your age I had x y and z already, etc etc etc.
I feel like I’ve been just slowly losing hope for the longest time, and that I can’t be fixed, even if I’m able to lose weight and get a good paying job and figure it out financially.
It’s never enough, is it?
We all just want a decent, happy enough life. We aren’t asking for a lot, but the world is ruled by cruel overlords that drain every last drop out of us, while giving us crumbs in return.
yes, ppl who are depressed/suicidal usually have a LOT of problems, not just 1, unfortunately. it’s like when you’re down, ALL the chips are against you, which is what makes life exceedingly hard.
i know finances/job is just ONE of them for you. same for me. it’s just ONE of the issues. well, albeit a large issue. i feel like if i had a shitload of money, it would solve a good chunk of my problems, which would at least make me not suicidal and not miserable. it won’t give me happiness but it would alleviate a LOT of fucking stress -_-
Yeah, I feel like I don’t really belong anywhere. I lack in terms of my roots and then because of my roots, I don’t fit where I currently am either. I’ve always just been a quiet kid, just mostly doing homework and studying while others were socializing and what not. I know I’m fucked in the head, but I no longer know what to do to help myself anymore. Part of me wants to throw all my shit away or properly sell it and just move away and do something else.
I’m just tired of all the frustration and irritation.