Please for the love of any god, don’t even care if it is an evil one, don’t let Trump win again! Do people not realize he will make himself a dictator and possible help Putin fight against Ukraine starting WWIII!?
The thing that tonight provides me is clarity, this state is dead to the road to improvement. It’s over. What a stupid state, we voted overwhelmingly to write it into our state constitutions that non citizens can’t vote, something that was already a legal fact. There are already things to prevent it from happening. It wasn’t legal to begin with.
Stupid, stubborn Oklahomans. Cows voting for the butchers in almost every case. Oh but I’m voting to raise my taxes and cut the wealthy because someday I might be wealthy! In Oklahoma? Good fucking luck. Make sure you rip off some honest people, that’s the only way to turn a profit in this state.
So I’m getting out. Everything I see tonight says to me that this place is 70% in the pocket of the people who run it now, the same people who made it 50th in the nation for education. The idiots are moving here from other states, and my only hope is that is somehow profitable for me.
This is actual hell, for someone who believes in the seperation of church and state, Oklahoma is a theocracy. I didn’t sign up for this.
No matter what the sun will rise tomorrow, over a state full of people who voted against me helping them for much longer. Ungrateful and remorseless bible thumpers who wouldn’t know an act of mercy if it hit them on the head. They’ll get everything they deserve in time, this state only has a life expectancy of 70 for men.
I’m getting out, if I have to live in a cardboard box, I’m getting out, this place can go to hell, and apparently the voters agree. Remember that, this is how we statistically report what people believe in each state. You won’t get a clearer picture.
Don’t come to Oklahoma though, that is unless you somehow like the idea of a theocracy where your vote doesn’t matter. Apparently a few hundred thousand people this year decided that they did. No accounting for taste.
Please for the love of any god, don’t even care if it is an evil one, don’t let Trump win again! Do people not realize he will make himself a dictator and possible help Putin fight against Ukraine starting WWIII!?
The thing that tonight provides me is clarity, this state is dead to the road to improvement. It’s over. What a stupid state, we voted overwhelmingly to write it into our state constitutions that non citizens can’t vote, something that was already a legal fact. There are already things to prevent it from happening. It wasn’t legal to begin with.
Stupid, stubborn Oklahomans. Cows voting for the butchers in almost every case. Oh but I’m voting to raise my taxes and cut the wealthy because someday I might be wealthy! In Oklahoma? Good fucking luck. Make sure you rip off some honest people, that’s the only way to turn a profit in this state.
So I’m getting out. Everything I see tonight says to me that this place is 70% in the pocket of the people who run it now, the same people who made it 50th in the nation for education. The idiots are moving here from other states, and my only hope is that is somehow profitable for me.
This is actual hell, for someone who believes in the seperation of church and state, Oklahoma is a theocracy. I didn’t sign up for this.
No matter what the sun will rise tomorrow, over a state full of people who voted against me helping them for much longer. Ungrateful and remorseless bible thumpers who wouldn’t know an act of mercy if it hit them on the head. They’ll get everything they deserve in time, this state only has a life expectancy of 70 for men.
I’m getting out, if I have to live in a cardboard box, I’m getting out, this place can go to hell, and apparently the voters agree. Remember that, this is how we statistically report what people believe in each state. You won’t get a clearer picture.
Don’t come to Oklahoma though, that is unless you somehow like the idea of a theocracy where your vote doesn’t matter. Apparently a few hundred thousand people this year decided that they did. No accounting for taste.