I tried the dilaudid/ativan cocktail, i  threw too much of it up.
I’ve found a better more effective way.
And to anyone who thinks killing themselves is the easy way out, if that were true i’d have done this years ago.
Deciding to ends one life is a very serious matter.
PS if you wanna die, don’t reach out to any of those help lines, they’ll just try and find you to send an ambulance.
BUt thanks for listening last night. If made me feel half human again to hear your comments.
thanks for your support. but as my x has found out calling me names isn’t the best way to get me to do anything
hey tommy,
people killing themselves is the easiest way maybe, but if everyone took the easy way, nothing would ever be achieved would it?
Granted life can be tough, but just remember you have a lot more to give to life and people in the future, including yourself.
Stay strong mate. You can focus on the past/present or future. Focusing on the past will never achieve anything will it?
Focus on the present and the future and start to make positive adjustments in life ok.
Take Care.
adastra, I know you mean well, but there are so many obstacles and impediments to making positive adjustments that in the end you just become mired down in change for change’s sake. In the process one can lose many consoling things and find oneself in a much worse situation. Which is why so many of us cling to our current situations like comfort blankets – known unknowns and all that.
Yeah man, 5 years of life changing work, but you know i still got left high and dry in the end. I just started giving away all my things tonight. Feels good. dunno why, but it feels good.
I don’t know if you are still logged in but Tommy but I’ve felt the same way as you have for a long time as well. Actually I’ve had two failed suicide attempts in the last few months. My boyfriend came in and stopped me once and the other time I passed out from drinking and medicine. I’ve suffered from anxiety disorders and depression my whole life and understand you completely when you say its not taking the easy way out. self torturer, agony, and loneliness all go into the though process of killing ones self. There is not a day that goes by that I do not think about killing myself. I want you to know you are by far not alone in feeling this way.
However, tommy you have the best thing in life to live for. You have two little girls. Although life is rough is seeing them simply smile not worth another day? I’m sure those little girls love you with all their heart and having their dad ripped from them would be something that might cause them to feel the way you are feeling now some day.
I know how it feels to want to die, trust me I do everyday. I endlessly obsess over it and hurt myself everyday. I am trying daily to find those things to live one more day for though and I know those cute little smiles are worth another day.
Ive been where you. Are now and giving away your things is a known warning sign they will be onto you in no time especially if youve done it before why not stay and chat with us it sure beats waking up in hospital!!!