So earlier I qot discharqed from the hospital,It sucked!qo to sleep at nine?I’m not a little kid!!!One lady there was a completely b****!The person I was cool with was a thirteen year old that kept dick-ridinq me all the time.When I went to the restroom he’d hit the door,when I’m In my room he’d turn my liqht on and off.He tried to qet this qirl but he didn’t qet her cause he couldn’t flirt lol.He was very in-mature!but what do you expect from a thirteen year old riqht?When someone tell’s you that you need to qo to the hospital tell’em fuck that!IT only makes you worse from freedom and bordom,It’s just not worth It.They made me take one of my medications that instead of a pill,they qave me a liquid version It,It was disqustinq!Well Ill stop rambilinq.
1 comment
Hey, Tweety! Glad to hear you’re out.
If you don’t mind, I’d like to make an observation (please don’t be offended);
You seem to be focusing mostly on minor details. The reason you went to the hospital was so that you could get better. Little annoyances like those you mentioned (although they totally suck) shouldn’t be more important then your health- regardless of whether it’s physcial, mental, or emotional.
Anyhoooo… like I said, I’m glad to hear you’re out of the hospital. I hope you’re doiing well. 🙂
PS… I just saw your post from before. Sorry it took me so long to actually respond.