My TEACHER told everyone in the class when I went to the bathroom that I needed to go on more MEDS! I dont even take meds. She said All this stuff about me. She is a teacher. WOW. She also said I should loss some weigh. Yes I called myself fat in the past, but I am NOT fat! GOD!
What a *****! if you have friends in the class that are willing to back you up in your story you should go to the principal and see about getting her fired. totally inappropriate for a teacher to be saying shit like that
Everyone in that class dislikes me. theres only 5 of us in that class. It pisses me off cuz i walk in and they go , “Mrs shueys right, you do need to loss weigh and take more meds.” It pisses me off!
sorry about that bella
i could tell you to not pay attention to them but its kinda hard to do when there right there š i hope all the rest of your classes aren’t like that
What a horrible class. any chance of transferring? BTW… did anythng provoke that comment? Like, was there an arguement first or something?
No i can not transfer, and no i walked in and they called me fat and I gave them a face and then they said my teacher was right you are fat and need more meds. And the class laughs at me! :/
Can you fight back? pick out their flaws, see how they like a taste of their own medicine?
Should also talk to your teacher about setting a bad example. Tell her, ‘because of what you said, the rest of the class now think it’s ok to call me fat and make fun of my meds. You should be ashamed of setting a bad example and showing everyone that bulling is ok.’. Hell, tell the principal too. Revenge is sweet.
I just told the principle. and I’m not going to pick out there flaws because I see how much it hurts me, even tho it does hurt me i dont want to hurt them .
Couldn’t believe it when I read your post. I’m really glad you told the principle. If the teacher does that to you I’m sure she has or will do it to others. Hopefully she’ll get fired or it’ll at least be on record if she tries it again.
I agree, thank you . I’m still very upset :/
I understand that, I would be too if it was me. If it helps, I think you’re great and very brave. š
thanks <3 it does help
Trix, email me?
you’re very compassionate not to want to stoop to their level. but I also don’t want to bullying to continue, and I can’t think of another way to make it stop. It’s good you told the principal, but that won’t fix the bullying. Stay strong girl.
I will.
You will disarm the negative impact the comments made have on you, when you realize anything anyone has to say that is negative…is PURELY A REFLECTION ON THEM, AND THEM ALONE! Realize this, ..people who hold integrity and are supportive and kind have do not think of being this way. So there’s some issues your teacher is having…so called doctors and teachers are human too and have their own set of psychological baggage that gets spewed out. If I were you, I would have laughed and laughed hard…hold to your own beliefs about yourself that way anything anyone has to say just fall away..comments bounce off you that are not loving and kind. Cheers!
Your teacher sounds like an idiot to me. She should lose her job for saying that and could get into a lot of trouble. I had similar problems when I was at school. I was an eccentric and a rebel. I was a real troublemaker but that wasn’t my fault it was they way I was. They really used to call me all sorts of horrible names. So I would disappear for days and I hardly used to turn up to class. I felt all the drivel that they used to talk was quite tiresome. I showed them though when I turned up for my exams. The person they said was thick and not capable of being taught actually turned out to be a grade A student unlike the students easy to control and the ones they put all their time into. Now I think about the way they conducted their classes and I could probably do a much better job not to mention I have two degrees. Secondly I am recognised as bring a member of a profession, they are not.
And also don’t worry about what the other students say. Don’t let it put you off your work. When you leave school the world will be at your feet. Anything can happen and you cannot predict the future. I don’t know about you, but I kind of like it that way.
Sorry about my spelling. They didn’t have a point it’s the predictive text on my IPhone. Arrrgh.
no, its fine, thank you so much for that. i wont listen to what people say anymore!
Good and sort them out by doing your best.