im scared that one day im going to kiss the girl i love or tell her i love her and she is just gonna get mad or push me away or never wanna talk to me or see me again or just tell the whole school even though i wanna do it so bad im scared that might happen and my whole life will be turned upside down and i might just kill myself : /
Put yourself in her place. Does she seem interested in you? If not, you should try to get her interested in you first.
If she’s interested in you, is it as a friend or as a potential boy-/girlfriend (sorry, I don’t know if you’re a boy or a girl)?
If she’s interested in you, create an opportunity to hit on her. Get her relaxed.
Then flirt with her. Move closer.
And if she invites it, maybe kiss her.
But take it step-by-step.
And maybe take it easy on the whole “I love you” thing for now…
It takes courage to make a choice…most people have difficulty with making the choice so many opportunities pass by. So are you a failure if she rejects you? Are you a success if you go out? Why are all things riding on this whole deal?
I told lots of girls I liked them…no biggie, they didn’t feel the same way, life goes on. Lots of girls were after me, I didn’t care for them…ya get some, and some ya don’’s all good.
It’s how much you focus on it and allow it weigh you down. It’s also indicating how much self esteem you have for yourself. That’s not a judgement, just a heads up to make sure you don’t give your power away to anyone…love yourself 100% first.
No one else behaviour is responsible for your happiness. Your own perspective and attitude is. So be happy cause you choose to be, and all the great experiences along the way negative or positve are just that…Life is experience. Hope this changes your approach a bit.
i had a love of alife time i used to leave notes on his car and locker. it broke my heart when he said he only like me as a friend. i found later his best friend loved me adn would have dated me i wasjust never sure because i was so obcessed with him all through hs.
fish ….. u will never know if you dont ask. then later u will regreat that you did not .
accept or reject. yes your heart will emplode ither way. yes for good and bad for rejection its called life. your heart will be broken but to end your life. dont bother . i had a cousin who never dated til he was 30 after that he dated two dates and married the girl. lol
while that is funny, they are still married and have kids. he had a crush on a girl never told her and he does not regreat it. its whatyou feel and what you want to do. dont let emotions rule logic. enjoy friends. then see where you go….
thanks softsoul it helped alot actually and thank you eekthegreek im actually greek myself and im a girl and thank you to muspelham