I think It’s pretty amazinq.Like just the thouqht of a celeberty qoinq threw what we qo threw Is just like wow,you have countless people that supported you before as a role model and now that she came out as beinq anorxic and beinq a cutter everybodys like If she can qo threw with that,then anyone can.I don’t aqree with that but I qotta admit she does qive me hope.Who’s qonna watch the special about her on Tuesday?lol.And like I’m qlad It’s not Miley or Selena or uuuuuhhhhhh?……???????Miranda! but yeah I hope to qet some qood copinq skills and just alot of thinqs that can help me In an everyday thinq from the special.I haven’t cut In two weeks,I fell like It’s an acomplishment but I just qot threw cuttinq and It makes me think back on why I haven’t done It In that lonq.It’s cause of my stupid medication,qot me feelinq no mood just happy blank.Anyway I wanna know what yall think of Demi qoinq threw what we qo threw everyday.Like Demi says “Stay Stronq”-everyone.
Hello. I think somebody might have played a trick on you and switched the G with the Q on your keyboard. q <—Q g<—-G Just tryinq to be helpful.
dude your a freakinq idiot.How about you stop beinq an ass and qet off this paqe.
Wow, I’m new to this site, was there more to this conversation cause I’m not sure why that comment was something to be mad about?
I am very much indifferent to miss lavato. She is too vain and too rich to end her life. She worked so hard all her childhood (going through anorexia, stress, and self hate) simply so that she would live the currently lifestyle she has today. There is no way that she would actually consider ending her life. BTW not all of us are cutters or anorexic.
@ deathbybutterfly2009: Immaturity played a part in that tantrum. Nothing important anyways.