so im trying to get someone to kidnapp me,its sounds crazy but im immune to crazyness, my life is so fucked up, i dont have anyother way to run away,one guy is actually saying he would do it, he would actually kid napp me, im a slave anyways, i dont have family or shit, so why not?atleast im doing the world a favor, theres people who mean something in this world, and im risking to get hurt instead of them
I don’t think this will work?
ya. the one guy said he would if i gave him concent to kidnapp me, and if it was long term he would drive through 5 states to get me, but i just say the hell with it,
jhe said im not a sutible slave, like he knows
You can’t give someone consent to do something illegal.
Why do you need to be kidnapped?
Ok i am not going to say that i really understand your idea, BUT i will say this, i have been reading alot of posts today, and i read some of your comments to them, and i really want you to know that i think you are good person, and you helped me ALOT tonight. I dont know you, but i really want to thank you because you are one of the people that opened my eyes tonight. You showed me that there are some decent people out there, that even though they have been through the same amount or many times 20x more then me, they still have hope to live, even if its just for a few days longer. I was really close to doing it tonight, i was in my room in the dark listening to music thinking about how to do it. But i decided to sign in here instead, and for the first time in almost 10 years i cried, it was only like 2 or 3 drops, but for someone like me who thought teardrops were long but barren, it was a big releif. You dont know me, and this is probably weirding you out but thank you.
And this goes to you to guardian, keep trying to help, because you may save a few of us…
exactly thats why he is dumb,because, if i pissed him off, then he would kill me, its eaisier for someone els to do it,
Thanks K!
Noexception, I think I know who you are trying to get to come get you.
I don’t think it will work the way you hope.
@Guardian: Yeah np.
@Noexception: I hope you know that i meant my first part of my comment for you
(idk if mentioning guardian caused a misunderstanding, i tend to do that sometimes). You seem like a good person. And idk if this idea you are thinking of will work in your favor. More likely then not this guy will torture you for quite a while till he gets bored of you. So it will only turn out bad, do you really want to go through all that? He may no even kill you, and you’ll have to deal with that for the rest of your life.