Wow. I dont care what anyone thinks anymore fuck em… I mean. I feel mor numb then ever, but nothing hurts me ether, I supper with my self harm addiction this could be troublesome later… But you know what. I don’t care if I slit my wrists and blead out at all. As I said I just don’t care. I mean Is this really so bad, is suicide even such a bad thing, what dose my dieng entail for anyone else….
bloo d y
To all of the ass holes, the miscreants and the filth out there sounding the earth I’m done, I don’t need to be hear anymore. You along with many other things have pushed me to the edge then when I’m grasping on to the cliff for dear life you stomp on my hands, I hqve things to tell you before I am gone, I’m sick and tiers of your comments and your judgements, all If your discrimination and lies, I AM GAY, I AM A NERD, And you know what YOUR AN ASSHOLE. if you think you can judge people because they like someone of […]
Why don’t people want me to just end it. They call me selfish (and there right) or cry, when I think suicidally, or act on those thoughts, but why am I wanted hear on the first place I make all of there lives harder, all I do is hold people back, according to my beliefs, after death there is less than nothing your dead, there is no mire contious you, no heaven, no hell, just gone. And, that seems like an escape to me, everyone always says death is painfull, and I’m shure it is, when I almoast diced from ODing on PAIN MEDS of […]
Sorry for my spelling
** I am awake all night, depressed, derik beating me down all night, with nothing to hold onto, and I pick up my phone, wondering where my friend Jessica has been recently because I hadent seen her in about a year, when a missing persons list shows up. I do some research, look through all of the Info and it really is her… One of my closest friends missing. Her mother was discovered with a meth lab in her basement, and Jessica did’t want to go to foster care. I guess she left her phone packed her bags and left. She dose […]
Hi, me again. I don’t know what I am really saposto post on this but I do know that what I have already had people say, and the advice they have given, that this is a good community, like no other I have ever seen on the Internet, or even in real life. Call me morbid but I think to be in a community and act the way that I have seen so far, something must have gotten fucked up in your life, but that dose not make you bad, worthless, or less meaningfully than anyone else in the world now dose it. Now to […]
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Hi there I’m a 14 year old gay male, I suffer from schitsophrania and chronic depression and I think I need to let my story out. I self harm, I started at a surprisingly young age of I think only six. At the time it was not an addiction it was something I had done once or twice because hurting myself and hiding it did’t get me in trouble where as hurting other people did. Arround the age of seven, I got my first scar on my wrist in the shower, using a shaveing razor I had cut just […]